Digibyte is the cryptocurrency designed for payments. Digibyte is a highly scalable peer-to-peer digital currency, which enables vast transaction fees with negligible fees. Digibyte aims to challenge traditional methods such as PayPal and Western Union.
Jared Tate, Digibyte Founder expressed: “Lots of people really want some cheap Bitcoin, crypto right now. No way I’m getting rid of my Digibyte or BTC. With this much FUD, the spring back will be even harder. Take the time to educate yourself on principles of true decentralization. Avoid centralized Sh$tCoins.
Regarding Altcoins, Tate stated, they can’t print more $$ and they can’t raise rates. All they can do is try shuffling it back and forth to keep excess funds from spilling out and causing hyperinflation of US dollar or deflationary bond/ stock market crash. This is why new Bitcoin FUD.
Tate is for long Digibyte and decentralization. It is absolutely pointless and impossible for Bitcoin to ever function as a daily transactional currency in most Central/ South American countries. When the average BTC tx fee is more than the average citizens daily wage, you are worse than Western Union at fleecing people.
Real-world Cybersecurity applications are still hands down the most misunderstood and underdeveloped blockchain applications in the world today. The greed & money drive has drowned out focus on secure tech as an industry. Not for long.”
In response to: “Some US senators are asking for a crypto ban. They are speculating that this may solve the issue of ransomware attacks.”
Jared Tate expressed: Bitcoin is sloppily used in worst infrastructure attack ever inside US. Ransom magically recovered and now congress asking for complete crypto ban. Told you all many times this was coming as the dollar inflates away and loses its edge as world’s reserve currency. Secure your keys.
The question to be asked is where do the Bitcoin paid for the ransom trace back to? or perhaps that is a rock we don’t want to look under.
Any “sophisticated” hacker would know to generate an air gapped new 1st use BTC wallet/ address never connected to the internet. So they are extremely amateur or… well you can guess the 4th possibility.
Any group dumb enough to use Bitcoin or ransom deserves to be caught. Not only is the chain fully traceable, by the time your ransom tx finally arrives the chain analysts already knew its destination and went out for happy hour while you waited for 6 confs.
Many were like: It was all staged, and executed by WEF as drill for the big cyberattack?
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