The Digibyte Awareness Team expressed that from the beginning Digibyte Blockchain leaders have pushed to make this community international. They also expressed that the DGB fostered a culture of openness, inclusion, transparency, and advocacy. And, that they are great breeding ground for new knowledge and ideas in the cryptocurrency space.
When talking about the growth of DigiByte (DGB), Josiah Crypto Messiah Spackman stated, if you look at the unspent outputs, you can see some healthy overall tx-volume on the Digibyte network, coupled with the occasional decrease, which appears to be a few exchanges being good and tidy blockchain-users, managing their UTXOs etc. Further stated that this is not a bad growth for the last 6 months!
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted: “It is very obvious that a lot of on-chain activity is happening at Digibyte (DGB). Curiosity is also building around the bull run of DGB.”
One of them asked Josiah about what was his outlook on the price over the next Bull Run for DGB. Josiah replied; well, if one were to look at it purely from a supply perspective, 1000:1 v BTC, it would seem grossly undervalued. Not even factoring in its ability to be more broadly utilized etc. He seems to support the general consensus that dollar cost averaging for investment is wise.
Uphold, the easiest and most cost-effective trading platform that enabled 3.5MM+ users worldwide to buy, hold, send and exchange anything to anything stated, DigiByte can support over 48 million transactions a day – 10 times the current transaction capacity of the top 50 block chains by market cap.
Rudy Bouwman, recently stated that he is sure that everything that DigiByte might be missing and everything DigiByte would probably need in future is already in our pipeline or at least being discussed in the team. All we need is patience to see things working out. He expressed his confidence in the forward thinking nature of Digibyte and about how they under promise, and over deliver.
When asked about whether DGB are keeping all the information open to only developers, Rudy replied stating, In regards to business deals like exchange listings, we can’t share until deal is confirmed. It’s not that we don’t want to, but it very often does more harm than good. He also stated on how discussions are very often under NDA.
The community is confident that volunteers are sure to enter the DigiByte community as growing sets of key fundamentals improve utility and make the platform more desirable over time.
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