Home Altcoins News DogeCoin (DOGE) Enthusiast on June 28, 2021 Elon Birthday Entering Trends

DogeCoin (DOGE) Enthusiast on June 28, 2021 Elon Birthday Entering Trends

DogeCoin Elon Birthday

DogeWoman expressed:  Elon Muskin’s Birthday is on June 28th. As a member of the Doge family, I am launching the JUNE 28 hashtag “June28Elon” Let’s work hard to enter the trends.

So, what made the many guys believe in his words so much? Those who do not know:

Elon forever believed, “The biggest terrestrial problem we have got is sustainable energy, but the production and consumption of energy in a sustainable manner. If we don’t solve that this century we’re, we’re in deep trouble.”

It just looks like Elon was not kidding about the sustainable energy stuff with Bitcoin (BTC). He is probably going to sell electricity to miners.

Well, “SolarCity has Elon Musk as the Chairman.  They are heavily focused on door-to-door sales of leased systems, where customers would pay no upfront costs, but agree to purchase the power generated by those panels from the company for 20 years. The business model became the most popular in the US and made the company the largest residential solar installer, but gave SolarCity over $1.5 billion in debt by the time of the acquisition in 2016 and was criticized by consumer advocates and government regulators.”

The Work Ethic of ELON MUSK:

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

“Work hard like every working hour. Work like hell, you just have to put in you know 80 hour, 80 to 100 hours, every week. All those things improve the odds of success. You have to just apply a lot of hours to actually working.”

What is it like to work 80-100 hrs a week? “Absolutely, no one should put this many hours in to work.  This is not good. And, people should not work hard.  They should not do this. This is sort of painful. It hurts my brain and my heart. This is not recommended for anyone. I just did it because if I didn’t do it then good chance that Tesla would die.”

Elon Musk, states He is kind of constitutionally like just geared to just keep going.

Coming back to the June 28, 2021 trend – many are like: “Doge community do NOT approve of this “trending” date or anything like that! It leads to disastrous “pump and dump” schemes especially hurting inexperienced younger investors. And, some are like, DogeCoin and other crypto are Down so it’s a great time to buy. It will be headed back up soon.”

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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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