Home Altcoins News DOGECOIN (DOGE) Will Rise Again Hoping for Next stop! $1 dollar!

DOGECOIN (DOGE) Will Rise Again Hoping for Next stop! $1 dollar!

dogecoin one dollar

You could have 3M but you didn’t know how to play the game. Without Elon unfortunately Doge is Dead.

DogeCoin is for those who take things for Entertainment purposes only. You should like some hardcore meme like:

Imagine if Elon Musk puts a literal DogeCoin on the moon and then future civilizations find it millions of years from now.  That would be some hardcore meme.  This explains why we can’t figure out why people from past times worshiped some random funny animals. Too hard memeing.

DogeCoin is for the light hearted and not for those who are too serious about anything and everything.

Those who have reasons to believe in DOGE were like:  I invested $1500 in doge and I made 24k. Next stop! $1 dollar! If he doesn’t have Dogecoin he doesn’t have good sense of Humor.

Doge will reach 1 dollar it’s just a matter of being patient, we will meme it into reality.

I’m not a financial advisor by any means. If you are holding a number of coins. Then you are a brother. We stand together. We fall and Rise together.

I bought $225 worth of Doge today to add to my collection, got another thousand dollars on standby in case it dips more I am going to buy it up.

Yes dude, it will. When and if it happens.  Still going to HODL even though I was a later investor. Doge is going to show me the money and then I’m going to keep HODL.

Before DOGE rises again, it will fall to @ $.20 to $.25 for @ a week and then gradually go up and then MOON.

I don’t think it’s going back that low. I’m no expert, so educate yourself first, but I’m buying during this dip. To the moon HODL.

When do you think we will see upward momentum again? Next few weeks.

SAFEMOON Price Prediction In The Future. Dogecoin = Inflationary = Unlimited Supply 40B M CAP SAFEMOON = Deflationary = Limited Supply 2.4B M CAP It is Inevitable that Safe Moon will reach 40B + Market Cap In The Future. NFA – Wise to have both.

Someone published the immediate trend stating:  “Current price of one DogeCoin: €0.2615 Price half an hour earlier: €0.2602 (0.5%) Market Cap: €34,010,788,574.” The little difference is always going to be there.  And those who know how to profit are still profiting from the little difference.

Usability:  Bought a SlimJim because they support dogecoin and the dogearmy. So I’ll support them.

Some Dentist offices accept Dogecoin.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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