Mark Mason expressed, a cryptocurrency project is only as strong as its community. Let’s keep growing Dash community channels. Dashpay is close to 400K followers. Join the digital cash global movement.
Critics: Only as strong as its community” is another way of saying it’s a Ponzi scheme. Where do you even get these numbers?
Mixing Services Discussion: Transparent cryptos can still employ mixing services to make your transactions confidential. It can be tricky (and it’s not always perfect), but it combines individual financial privacy with network-wide financial transparency and auditability.
Dash seemed to agree by stating integrated CoinJoin-based coin mixing service tries its best to strike this balance: transparent enough to be trustworthy, yet keeping your personal payments confidential and safe from being targeted for theft and fraud. Perfect for digital money.
Dash Incubator expressed: “DashGov will be an open source governance portal with a long-term goal of utilizing Dash usernames with proposal text and comments stored on Dash Drive and more.”
For clarity, Dash Incubator is an open-source app that connects users who want to earn rewards for working together to improve the Dash cryptocurrency.
Funded from a Dash blockchain proposal and focused on developing tools, infrastructure and Dapps for Dash’s Evolution upgrade, any kind of work that aligns with our strategy can be incentivized, and worked on together with full transparency.
Whether you want to propose ideas, develop code, manage & promote projects, or improve the Incubator app itself, check the bounties below or join the Dash Devs Discord server to chat with like-minded people in the #dash-incubator channel.
Dash rewards are available for:
Preparation of draft DIP GDocs providing required protocol data to enable DAPI TLS certificate resolution for DAPI Masternodes; SP – Medium Tutorial – video longer than 4 minutes, but less than 10 minutes. Blog posts shall be between 400-1000 words (per Specification 5.2)
SP – Large Tutorial – video longer than 10 minutes or greater than 1000 words (per Specification 5.2); Reference Implementation of DIP created in Spec. 1. This should be opened as a PR to Dashpay/Dash github; Implement specified Tendermint backports to Tenderdash
Start first consultation phase with in a TelCo. Organize & invite DCG devs (Shumkov wants to join), document relevant information of the process (eg. their process, wages, impression), discuss & evaluate if cooperation is a good fit. Build Core Signer E2E tests. Fix Consensus Test. Create working prototype for an indexer that caches documents from Dash Platform to allow for faster querying large data sets.
Each task has different values of Dash in rewards.
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