For the 2nd consecutive day, Enjin Coin (ENJ) is up by 11.08%. At the time of reporting, the price was trending at USD 0.08544. The Coin is gaining and sustaining its momentum. While the trend is unclear, the price activity is 16.7% above the 20 days moving average. The token needs to stay above this level to sustain its momentum.
The Bollinger bands indicator has determined a range from $0.05289 and $0.093487. The range specified from the variable price trend considers the momentum and volatility, which has been trending over the past two weeks.
The overall market capitalization of Enjin Coin (ENJ) is $68 million. Transactions recorded among Enjin Coin holders are nearly 1,644 transfers. The richest of the ENJ Coin wallets consist of 75.53% of the overall money supply, tracked from the top 1,000 wallets.
The Enjin ecosystem powered by Enjin Coin (ENJ), an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency.
There are nearly 20+ million users in the gaming community platform known as the Enjin Network. An ICO of $18.9 million made in 2017 is used to build a user-centric blockchain product. The suite provides for users to “create, manage, trade, store, explore, distribute, and integrate blockchain assets.”
Enjin Platform, Explorer, Wallet, and Beam help the gamers to gain ownership of digital assets, thereby enabling the gaming industry business to improve on its revenue.
Do good work; earn a “badger.” The winners will be able to hold them as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Enjin tweeted: “In the spirit of their mission to empower #developers of all backgrounds, Microsoft’s #AzureHeroes program aims to inspire devs to learn, coach, and build on @Azure and promote a healthy, inclusive community via #blockchain technology.”
Microsoft stated, “Microsoft and Enjin have collaborated in a local pilot to create a blockchain-based recognition program. The Azure Heroes badgers created in several original and unique designs – tokenized to digital assets on the Ethereum public blockchain.”
The pilot will be in “select Western European countries,” and the badgers created in limited numbers. The badgers are verifiable on a public blockchain. The NFTs issued during seasons are tough to win per Microsoft.
Of note, Enjin became a portfolio company in October after it received an undisclosed investment. The long period of consolidation for the token has hit upon a decisive breakout.
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