The price of the EOS is currently trending at $4.98. EOS announced a contest focused on integrating Ethereum Smart Contract with its blockchain.
The official EOSIO Challenge read: “Be the first to solve’s EOSIO Smart Contracts Challenge and win $200,000.”
The Challenge proposes a time limit of one year for the participants to solve the Challenge. The person who answers the Challenge first will win the prize.
The format for the submissions is strict, and the participants were alerted to learn the process. The technical requirements to complete the Challenge is also provided.
Sydney Ifergan, the Crypto Expert, tweeted, “The EOS devpost on the $200,000 contest states, Main Requirement: Create an EOSIO smart contract, which can store and invoke EVM (Solidity) Smart Contracts in a virtual Ethereum-like environment. And further details are available on the devpost for those who are interested.”
Participants need to know about the Judging Criteria. The last line reads thus: “Judges reserve the right to disqualify submissions if the resource overhead imposed by the solution makes the use of the solution impractical.”
The primary motive of the integration is to permit developers and other blockchain projects to take advantage of EOS speed.
The key concept is that the basis of the smart contract of EOS is C++ and Web Assembly, which forms the basis for the smart contract, and Ethereum is based on Solidity. EOS in this area is considered to have a better choice than Ethereum.
EOS is trying to attract developers from other blockchains, and we need to see how the results show up for them.
At a point in time, it will become unavoidable for one blockchain to ignore the other. They will have to work with one another to ensure absolute decentralization ultimately.
The strategic vision of EOSIO is carried forward by Block .one, and it is to build a platform that will strengthen the ecosystem. They are working on a lot of enhancements in a way to make the most with EOSIO in terms of scalability, developer area, improved user experience, and flexibility for and compliance for enterprise requirements.
The block production is enhanced by vertical scaling, horizontal scaling, and data access scalability. Developers are facilitated with better tooling and quicker app development. They continually strive to make developer experiences better. Users are provided with greater security and less friction.
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