Home Altcoins News Ethereum Classic (ETC) To Put an End to Evaporated Paper Wealth

Ethereum Classic (ETC) To Put an End to Evaporated Paper Wealth

ethereum classic

Ethereum Classic expressed, Both ETC and BTC have higher yearly transaction capacity when compared to high value, centralized RTGS systems.  Aside from Bitcoin’s slightly less capacity against Fed-wire, BTC & Etheruem Classic surpass the daily volume of majority systems.

Donald McIntyre published:  All traditional RTGS systems being part of a layered stack are “apex” high value settlements and finality engines in traditional fiat payment systems.

Donald McIntyre analyzed Fedwire (US dollar), Target2 (Euro), CHAPS (British pound), SIC (Swiss frank), HVPS (renminbi), CHATS (renminbi and Hong Kong dollar), BOJ-NET (Japanese yen), and FXYCS (Japanese yen). 

Donald reports that Bitcoin individually has higher daily and yearly volume capacity than all systems individually, except Fedwire. And, that Ethereum Classic individually has higher daily and yearly volume capacity than all systems individually.

He also pointed to how Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic combined have higher yearly annual volume capacity, but lower daily capacity than all systems combined, however he feels this is overcompensated because BTC and ETC operate 24/7/365.  Also stated, If mainland China volumes are added, then both Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic lag in transaction capacity on a daily and yearly basis.

He states that, Base layer proof of work blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic are analogous to RTGS systems in the blockchain industry, they are trust minimized, decentralized, unrestricted across national borders, and programmable with smart contracts, which is a major advantage.  Both Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic will benefit with incremental scaling with time.

BTC and ETC individually and/or combined will be able to capture the global highest value segments in RTGS settlements first, while they scale overtime. Also pointed to how, another possible path is for BTC and ETC to capture specific types of transactions, like cross border settlements.

Due to physical and security constraints, to scale and integrate with retail systems, the crypto industry needs to be layered following traditional settlement systems patterns.  He pointed to how traditional settlement systems are controlled by central entities and are not socially scalable globally. And, on how local authorized members have access to RTGS finality.  Also, stated, Bitcoin and Ethereum Classic are permissionless and socially scalable globally.

Well, all these were reported in 2019 – wondering if this still holds true? Well, there is no change in that ETC is programmable digital gold with 210 ml ETC Dapp functionality where scarcity and utility creates value with PoW.

EthereumClassic has digital-scarcity cryptocurrency monetary policy because limitless money has created inequality, endless war, evaporated “paper” wealth, and boundless greed to consume the environment. They are looking to make the world a better place with sound money by establishing that Code Is Law.

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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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