Lark Davis Shared: Ethereum will experience the triple halving as part of its move to proof of stake. This will reduce emissions of new coins by 90% and will make ETH a deflationary coin. BULLISH.
Community Response: I hold Eth in my BFX bag from January and ETH already does +566% from the start of the year. I’ll continue to hold it; we’ll see want going to happen next year.
Wait. They want to ditch the miner and mine themselves at zero cost (no electricity) and you think it’s bullish? Price floor base has always been lifted by the mining cost, rug pull that away is just making it even more centralized.
Old story. Sell your ETH, too expensive fees. Gas fees still high. Neutral.
I’m also so bullish on ETH. Wonder what’s yet to come.
If it reduces gas fees, then I’m all for it.
If you really think that ETH is not good or will continue to fall, then why are there so many altcoins based on ETH? When ETH falls, do people think that those altcoins can remain in a better state?
I can hear the howls now when minting a jpeg costs more gas fees than buying a Beeple at Christies.
If you are a true believe in decentralization then Ether is the first thing to wipe it out. It is outdated and monopoly. No innovation at all.
Will it stop me being charged 85.5% gas fees for doing the simplest thing? So the gas fee will continue to rise? that is not good news for ETH.
How many more years will we have to wait for it. Why so bullish on a dinosaur? Emission reduced means less ETH required, wouldn’t that mean less demand than currently due to high gas emission? And what is triple halving? What happens when all the ETH gets burned?
Triple halving? What’s that like an eighthing?
Still a shit coin with high gas fees.
Definitely bullish! Something else I am bullish on is SYS with their amazing and dedicated team, the moon is their only destination.
I believe ETH will pump next year. So, my plan is just to continue to hold eth in BFX and wait for the price to rise. Wish I wouldn’t have sold the bottom and bought the top.
During this transition a lot of long term locked staked ETH will become available, I’m nervous how many people will take profits at that point.
Why is it so expensive to buy a jpeg with ETH?
I’m bullish for ETH, too, however, most of the hard work is going to have to take place on the lower layers. It is simply too slow. Deflationary meaning price will go up and I will end up paying even more for gas fees.
ETH is a security. So, gas will cost even more than right now. Bullish!
ETH bullish is for sure. I’m not a fan of proof of stake that requires 32 ETH to participate. Especially in a coin that had a big pre-mine.
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