Home Altcoins News If the Price of Bitcoin (BTC) Goes up by a Factor of Million You can’t Make Anymore

If the Price of Bitcoin (BTC) Goes up by a Factor of Million You can’t Make Anymore

If the Price of Bitcoin (BTC) Goes up by a Factor of Million You can’t Make Anymore

Michael Saylor: Bitcoin is digital energy that is strong, true, pure, and timeless.

This he stated pointing to the Tucker Carlson Today Discussion.

“Every other asset on earth, anything else you can own – houses, gold, silver, commodities, stocks, bonds, when the price goes up the supply increases. If I increase the supply the price of any stock by a factor of 10, the company uses more stock of course. If I buy all the bonds all the Municipal bonds, the price of the bonds goes up, and they will issue more bonds.

Right, if I drive out the price of Gold by a factor of 10, people print more gold or mine more gold.  Bitcoin is the only thing in the world that is inelastic in price. The price of Bitcoin triples and you can’t make anymore. If the price goes up by a factor of million, you can’t make any more.”

Community Response: Do yourselves a favor and watch the whole piece of interview. Saylor at his very best here, completely nails it. This may be the most succinct summary with Tucker of why we need Bitcoin that I have ever heard. And I’ve heard hundreds of hours of Bitcoin discussion.

Mike if you like us so much and have our best interests, how about sell some of your 28% ownership so there’s enough for everyone else. Or do you want to be a king by owning most of it if you were to convince everyone to join so you can rule everyone?

Please stop talking rubbish. Bitcoin can’t be “digital energy”, it is a ‘waste’ of real energy trying to mine it by solving some maths problems purely for the sake of adding a time delay. These are just a bunch of codes. Calling them energy is going a bit too far bro.

What if Satoshi is the US Govt and they have been playing us all?

Bitcoin just keeps running next to the current fiat system. Slowly people will cross the border to bitcoin decentralization land. As long as bitcoin keeps existing, the network will grow, at some moment as lightning.  Adoption is inevitable. People will find out in the end.

The guy is a genius. Just an unbelievable thought process goes on in his head. Imagine trying to debate this guy Yikes.

Where were you in 2013? You were calling it a scam. You bought the top bro. Get ready for some pain

What is bitcoin? Sigh.  It is world consciousness.


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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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