Home Altcoins News Litecash (CASH) for the redemption of value from micro-rewards with retailers worldwide on DLT

Litecash (CASH) for the redemption of value from micro-rewards with retailers worldwide on DLT

Litecash CASH

Litecash considers loyalty programs to be very important in digital commerce. Consumers are happy when they get a chance to accumulate points and rewards when they spend money at their businesses.

Many times these rewards points are not redeemed by the users as they are minuscule.  And, users are restricted to use them only in a particular way with a particular company.

Litecash (CASH) is the universal cryptocurrency that makes it possible for consumers to accumulate Litecash (CASH) to transfer value over the globally distributed ledger to redeem at any given time with retailers worldwide.

This means that the reward points which have been accumulated from different loyalty programs can be made to work as a kind of money within a particular business. People are already introduced to the concept of using reward points and cryptocurrency as an alternative to fiat payments.  Several non-governmental money types buy goods and services.

Points or rewards are basically used to keep customers loyal to a particular business.

Litecash’s mission is to make use of real-world adoption of micro rewards by making use of the mobile.  They are planning to make this plan work by having their consumers to acquire Litecash (CASH) using the loyalty programs.

Businesses will be able to get Litecash (CASH), and they can further reward those who are spending with CASH based on a pre-determined criteria.  Thus, the demand for CASH is expected to increase, and users will be able to get micro-rewards of CASH. Therefore, users will be earning crypto, which can be used over time to work as a store of value that can be used for incremental spending.

Now, users who are not redeeming their reward points can convert them to Litecash (CASH).

The White Paper states, “Imagine getting small amounts of BTC back in 2010from your favorite restaurant for eating a $100 meal. Over time that BTC would have accumulated into a small fortune. Not only will the restaurant receive benefits from increased loyalty, but consumers will also have an option to redeem their Litecash (CASH) for BTC.”

The rewards add up fast, and users will be accumulating cryptocurrency soon.  Litecash is planning to make this a real-world use using their mobile app. Litecash (CASH) is supported by the MimbleWimble Protocol, and therefore all the transactions are kept confidential.

Litecash (CASH) is focusing on establishing itself as the global reward currency for businesses that are willing to give crypto back for customer loyalty. They are working on pilot projects now, and very soon, they are planning a global reach.

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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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