NEO is moving in a Bullish trend. The price of the NEO at the time of reporting was trending at $11.04. NEO is worth the buy and is fit for long term investment.
There has been a prediction that by the end of 2020, NEO would touch $120. With further developments, NEO has the potential to improve in the price factor with further research and development. NEO developers continue to focus on futuristic developments. A majority of NEO users are the Chinese.
NEO smart economy tweeted: “We have set up a collection of academic articles published by #Neo communities. Currently featuring academic publications from @NeoResearch_NEO and @neospcc, this collection will be updated frequently with the latest publications from the community.”
Sydney Ifergan, the Crypto Expert, tweeted: “Academics based theories are important to understand concepts. NEO academic articles are important to understand cryptocurrency better and, of course, to make the best use of the innovative technology backing it.”
The greatest investment is that which is made in human brains. The consensus of developers improves the process of value exchange providing efficient features required for regulation as well as providing the necessary anonymity and privacy for users.
Neo is becoming the foundation of the next generation of internet-based payment transfer systems.
The NEO EcoBoost Program is investing $100 million through its EcoBoost Program, which is focused on accelerating the achievement of large scale commercial blockchain solutions. The funds will be used to empower developers and projects in the ecosystem.
The NEO wallet helps take control of the asset. There are wallets developed by the groups in the Neo Community. Users will be able to choose the wallet which suits their needs the best. Those who face problems will be able to contact the developer directly. Users are, however, advised to preserve their private key securely, because the private key is the only way to control Neo assets.
Erik Zhang, founder and core developer of Neo, recently stated, “We are glad to welcome Everstake as one of our consensus nodes on the Neo3 Preview1 TestNet. As Neo3 development accelerates, we appreciate the help from the ecosystem to facilitate Neo’s development and the decentralization process.”
Everstake is just one of the many consensus nodes. More nodes are to happen in the ecosystem facilitated by developers, financial experts, and blockchain enthusiasts. The nodes for POS protocols are based on enterprise-level hardware, ensuring improved efficiency and security.
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