Fractal Debugging is a new initiative by John Devadoss and team who are adding to the functionality of empowering cross chain debugging in NEO3.
NEO Smart Economy are continuing to push the frontiers for the most developer-friendly platform with Time-Travel and now with Fractual Debugging.
In this regard, Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted: “NEO Smart economy are focusing on delivering Premier Debugging Tools, contributing to cross-chain scenarios in a great way.”
NEO have an collective experience of over 70+ years in the process of building platforms and software tools for major software companies from across the world.
When it comes to debugging software, developers seem to have “three recurring top-line themes.”
Firstly, there challenge is to isolate and understanding the faults. Second, it is about improving support for the Log stream and file analysis. Third, is about exploiting the history and coming up with an abstraction.
Developer productivity is attributed to how well the information is harmonized. NEO pointed to how Microsoft pioneered the Time-Travel Debugging for mainstream software industry. However, when it comes to the blockchain platform Neo are the first to make Time-Travel Debugging available for developers world-wide.
The main-stream software is already great at capturing and presenting events which happen either during the time of production or during the time when a fault occurs. The tools from NEO are meant to isolate faults, understand it, improve support by due analysis of files and ultimately facilitating debugging solution.
It is easy to identify the exact identity of the actual problem. The NEO smart economy team are good at identifying exceptions and errors in the logs. The information delivered by the logs is good enough to help the developer predict and forecast the different levels at which the code gets executed in the Main Net.
Depending on the kind of information the developer has at hand, the in and out methods are used to fix the bug, but when a new problem happens again the developers are pushed back to square one in the MainNet.
NEO Smart Economy states that, “Time-Travel Debugging greatly simplifies debugging by enabling developers to easily step forwards and backward through the code execution.”
After careful study and clear understanding of the context of the problem the developer will be able to replay the scenario for as many times as they might want using the Time-Travel Debugging. They identify the steps which leads to the bugs and figures in the process and they are able to ultimately strategize on how fix the issue in the code.
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