Home Altcoins News QTUM Busy with GameFi SocialFi and Metaverse Infrastructures for 2022

QTUM Busy with GameFi SocialFi and Metaverse Infrastructures for 2022

QTUM Busy with GameFi SocialFi and Metaverse Infrastructures for 2022

Patrick Dai gets ridiculed by onlookers who state – everything you are talking about is already running on other coins. However, those who are about to understand Patrick Dai stated all are not running in one. There is also criticism that there is only talking about rebranding and that nothing is getting done.

About the deliverables from Qtum – the community seem to be disheartened – it is not uncommon to see someone ask “Have you ever delivered a finished product. Please show us a finished project.” Many say Qtum is a Chinese Coin.

For some days Patrick was talking about Janus. He stated that Janus will allow Qtum to sync easily with Ethereum’s ecosystem and empower developers to create multi-chain applications. He has been talking about Metaverse coming to Qtum soon. Also, there were some statements about Crypto Canvas 2 and testing the creation of NFTs with their community project.

Other kinds of criticisms are that there is no marketing or advertising taking place and that Qtum is not aware of the importance of being in the top 100s.

For quite a long time, Dai has been stating: “Qtum is the biggest and most decentralized Proof of Stake network. Globally there are more than 1000 validators of the Qtum platform. The first ZKRollup Layer2 is also been building for Qtum.”

Previously Dai stated, “Qtum is building a Layer2 network too, by this way, we can scale Qtum TPS higher than Visa, it can go up to 10k TPS through different ZK-Rollups.” Also stated, “Qtum can be the data availability Layer for all rollups, it’s suitable for layer2 solutions like rollups, and at the same time you can use lighting network on Qtum. You have the advantage of all Layer2 solutions on Qtum since it’s compatible with Bitcoin and Ethereum.”

Also, “Qtum added Smart Contacts to UTXO based Blockchain, including Bitcoin. RGB Continues Its Work to Bring Better Smart Contracts to Bitcoin.”

Early this month Patrick Dai reinstated the same stuff over again, “Qtum is working on the zk-rollup layer2 solutions for GameFi and SocialFi and Metaverse Blockchain Infrastructures. Zero-knowledge Proof is one of the best scaling solutions to achieve trustless for Web3. Qtum TPS can go up to 10k and fees can be 1-2 cents for the transaction.”

Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK-Rollups) are smart contracts that scale the Ethereum network by processing multiple transfers off the main blockchain. ZK-Rollups work by taking hundreds of transfers off-chain and combining or “rolling” them up into a single transaction.

The ZK-Rollup scheme consists of two types of users: transactors and relayers. Transactors create their transfer and broadcast the transfer to the network. The transfer data consists of an indexed “to” and “from” address, a value to transact and the network fee.

Layer 2 is the data link layer and it transfers data between nodes on a network segment across the physical layer in networking.

This Zk-rollup layer2 solutions for GameFi, SocialFi, and Metaverse is what is currently brewing in the Qtum ecosystem.
There was a Qtum Core v0.20.4 released last year with an unofficial side-loaded Ledger application. Thus, users were alerted on how they could control their QRC20 tokens and offline staking by making use of the QT wallet.

For those who are new, like BTC, Qtum will halve every 4 years. The inflation rate of Qtum will decrease to 0.5% per year, that’s much lower inflation than BTC and ETH or even Gold.



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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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