Home Altcoins News Revain (REV) Old Vs. New Reward System a Mess Users Threatening to Leave

Revain (REV) Old Vs. New Reward System a Mess Users Threatening to Leave

Revain REV

Revain recently expressed that users can get higher rewards for writing reviews of some featured companies like:  US Department of Energy; Bayern Kapital; EIT Urban Mobility; IBB Ventures; Equipet; The Hindu Business; Line ShopBeauty; WHISTLES; Athlos Fitness; Rightboat; LGBTQ Network Foundation; JumpStart EASME; EU Executive Agency for SMEs; Fusion IP; Espresso Capital; Columbia Partners Private Capital; and Flow Capital.

Revain recently updated their rewards system.  They are looking to improve the system further by making small adjustments.

“The new rewards rules are:  For writing a first, second or third review of a Featured Company, level 1-9 users get 20 XP and 0.5 RVN, while level 10 users and Experts get 1 RVN.

For writing a fourth or higher review of a Featured Company, level 1-9 users get 10 XP, while level 10 users and Experts get no rewards. For writing a a first, second or third review of a regular or product company, level 1-9 users get 10 XP and 0.5 RVN, while level 10 users and Experts get 1 RVN.

For writing a fourth or higher review of a regular company or product, level 1-9 users get 10 XP, while level 10 users and Experts get no rewards. For getting likes on their content Level 1-9 users get 0.1 XP per like.  For writing comments Level 1-9 users get 0.5 XP per comment.

Please keep in mind that rewards for reviews of companies and products in the “Crypto” category are disabled.”

Users were like:  The reward system is now a mess, so no one wants to research and write, it’s sad to see this place where we’ve spent so much effort like this, it should go back to the old reward system as soon as possible, otherwise many people like me will leave.

This is just disheartened and very discouraging, I am not motivated at all and I think many other users will not be encouraged too. Little reward of 0.5 for minutes spent in researching and writing? No! Please return to the old compensating features to avoid losing many users.

The platform is using style to chase away users from the platform. Maybe because they don’t have enough money or resource to settle users. All these policies are vibes killers. Please try going back to your old policies because as it is right now they are bound to lose 50% of its users.

Sure these rules are not helping I don’t feel encouraged to make reviews, the old system was good it’s hard spending much time to do research and get a little reward, I guess these some reason why users are searching for alternative means now.

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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