You know that you need to get used to several terms like DIG, FETCH, BURY, SWAP, BONEFOLIO, and WOOF when you check Shiba Swap.
Investors should provide liquidity to DIG. There are tons of BONES under the ground, and those who provide liquidity earn BONE.
To FETCH, users can migrate their UNI V2-LP or SLP tokens to earn BONE. For two weeks, users can migrate UNIV2-LP or SLP tokens to get bonus BONE Tokens.
Shibas like to bury what they find. You can stake your tokens to gain returns. SWAP tells your Shiba Inu to fetch new tokens. Users can swap one token for another.
BONEFOLIO every Shiba Inu needs to check their stash. The Dogalytics is all set to come soon. Woof is a method to farm the tokens. Users can stake SSLP and claim returns.
For those who are new: SHIBA token is a decentralized meme token, which has evolved into a vibrant ecosystem. SHIB, LEASH, BONE, Shiba Swap, Innovative Reward Systems, Shiba Incubator, and 585k+ Community Members, Growing Fast.
Since its launch, SHIBA has been doing things differently: They started with a supply of 1 quadrillion. Their founder, Ryoshi, locked 50% in Uniswap and then “burned” the other half to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin for safekeeping.
To further reverse the devastating spread of Covid-19 in India, VB utilized SHIB in the most significant crypto donation in history. Then he actually burned 40% of its total supply to a dead wallet, thus ensuring SHIBA INU’s long-term success and stability.
In the words of Ryoshi, “Thank you to the woofmeister for enabling true decentralization. Now we truly begin.”
The purpose of launching SHIBA was to see if a perpetual decentralized organism can function without central leadership.
SHIBA founder believes in the Kintsugi, “Like the broken pottery mended and sealed with a gold, we are better than we were before.”
There are SHIB holders who hold millions, billions, or even trillions of it in their wallets. SHIB has legitimate utility. SHIB is continuing to expand its reach. It is the first to get listed and incentivized on Shiba Swap, which is their proprietary DEX.
SHIB and LEASH are best purchased and sold through Shiba Swap; however, they are made available through an ever-growing list of CEXs.
SHIB, LEASH, and BONE have created the ShibaSwap, which is the next evolution in the DeFi platforms.
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