David Vorick, CEO Co-founder, SkyNet Lead Developer expressed: Sia network up to 1100 TB from 1000 TB I’m just two weeks. We’re about a month of work into optimizing our download code. The median fetch time in our benchmark (64kb files) is down from 270ms to 100ms. The p95 is down from 600ms to 400ms. And we know of many more places we can improve things. The progress is material, and will continue.
The creator economy is the next wave of crypto.Owning Bitcoin (or any currency) is an indirect endorsement/empowerment of every single other individual holding that currency. It’s one of the reasons I prefer a many-chain future. More than choosing just consensus rules, you can choose your entire social cohort.
Guys. Bitcoin is more than half of my liquid wealth. I like Bitcoin. I believe in Bitcoin. And I also think we can do better. Never stop growing.
The biggest lie of the modern web is that Facebook is free. You pay for Facebook with your wallet, and you pay for Facebook with your well-being. Ads should be illegal.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but M-of-N signers is not decentralized. People _love_ colluding, good and evil alike. Have you ever thrown a secret birthday party for someone? Colluding is hella fun, even more so when there’s a billion dollars on the line.
Corporations like advertising because it humanizes them. An advertisement allows a corporation to build trust an identity with a consumer independent of their actions and actual relationship to consumers. Ads are a vehicle for companies to lie.
Skynet is a new platform for building decentralized web applications. It is a new data model for applications that is user oriented instead of corporation oriented. Well-supported SDK help developers build new applications on Skynet with all the fundamental features you need.
Skynet is the decentralized storage for Modern Web. David points to how the corporates have a lot of control over the modern internet, particularly over the past 5 years with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram who are all building assymetric power dynamics putting content creators in a position of vulnerability.
Users have one option. They do all the work in terms of creating content. And the corporations get a control of who can access the content and how. For instance, Tik-Tok is widely addicting and probably unhealthy.
Feeds are actively managed by the corporations to ensure improved marketing. Skynet is all about decentralized storage for modern web with no arbitrary demonetization, no surprise banning of pre-existing content, decentralization has no ToS and any user with an audience will be able to maintain their audience. Skynet adds a new component to Metcalfe’s law.
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