Home Altcoins News SpaceX Needs Cardano (ADA) Not the Other Way Round

SpaceX Needs Cardano (ADA) Not the Other Way Round

cardano spacex

Cardano (ADA) got as far as it has without taking short cuts. It can do without Elon. It is Tesla particularly SpaceX that needs Cardano not the other way round. The juggernaut Musk built now rests on his shoulders. When he is no more the only way to run it is through a process governance like Catalyst.

Twitter handle Cardano Foundation regarding, “Cardano x Tesla: An obvious match?” published:

“Founded by Engineers: All of the research and technical specifications that underpin Cardano are publicly available, and all Cardano development activity is published online.

Sustainability: In line with many UN Sustainable Development Goals. Running a node is accessible and affordable. There’s even a step-by-step guide:

Sustainability: As a proof of stake blockchain, Cardano is transforming the industry’s green credentials and reducing environmental impact.

Unique: Our partnership with Save the Children and COTI Network to use ada in their donation model. Since the launch of Cardano’s proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, we’ve delegated US$500m to mission-driven stake pools.

Unique: Cardano is the biggest decentralized funding platform worldwide, over $1m available each round to devs and teams building on Cardano. Each funding round has grown in its scope, level of funding, and community engagement.

Unique: Our engineering partners at IOHK are helping Ethiopia overhaul its education system; boosting nationwide education and employment.”

Concluding:  So, Elon Musk, how about we get your people to talk to our people?

Cardano community reacted to this in different ways:

I think some people are more worried he might have the same effect on ADA he’s had on Bitcoin and Doge (pumping and dumping) than the actual fruits such a collaboration between smart people and companies could bring.

Musk and whales are manipulating the market at your expense. You only need to see this to understand where you should invest.  Hint – the good ones are in GREEN.

I wouldn’t go anywhere near Elon if you want to maintain ADA’s recent performance. This would be a great move. Innovative tech meets sustainable innovative tech. People need to stop with the knee jerk reactions and think about the long term picture.

Concentrate on fulfilling the technological promises you keep pumping.  People investing money in Cardano is a lot more concerning than DOGE, especially given that Solana is now booming and is way beyond whatever Cardano is promising.

Stop trying to be a meme coin and keep you focus right. 

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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