In the world of cryptocurrencies, going by the rank list, there are not 500 great projects like Bitcoin or Ethereum. So, those who do not feel comfortable with Bitcoin and are looking for some use case and smart contracts should try to pursue it.
Ethereum is definitely one of the 500 best opportunities, which one might prospect to have, but luckily there are not as many as 500 good projects on the blockchain space. Of course, there are issues that need to be fixed in ETH scalability. To have a big problem is sign that they are trying to do something big that is only going to become the best one day.
Warren Buffet rightly stated, when there are big opportunities in life, we need to seize it. He says when we get to do something that is right and big, we need to do it. Even to do it in a small scale is like doing a mistake as not doing it at all. You got to grab the opportunities when they come up. He also said, you are not going to get 500 great opportunities.
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted: “To make profits it is important to commit to promising network structures early on. Like investing in Ethereum and waiting to see them solve all the pain points to finally go Boom.”
If you are looking to make all the money that you will possibly need out of a single investment, you need to put in as much as you are looking to take out of it.
If you are chronically short of funds and all kinds of opportunities are coming, you might have some kind of different approach.
All present several investors who are not happy about how the project is getting managed and they feel that a big change should happen in a big way. When there is a demand it will automatically happen. Developers are hanging on to fixing ETH Protocols, because they know they have a good reason to be hanging out with the protocol.
And, the good old logic of buying something at a price that is lot below the intrinsic value makes sense. This will be possible when the full potential of the blockchain is not released and they are still working to fetch their best price. It is for investors to decide what Ethereum means to them now in terms of the good 500 opportunities they might be waiting for.
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