When talking about what is possible doing on Cardano right now, Fred Gregaard in the fireside chat series stated, “We really need to start educating people on what is possible right now.”
When you go on YouTube, and when you go on our website, it is nearly impossible to see what you can do with the stakes today.
In this own words: “I am thrilled to announce that we will be launching a developer portal, where very sooner, probably later than I want, we will be launching that. And, as a part of that developer portal, we will also showcase what you can do.
If we can show you that you can do something, you can replicate that. If we can show how you can do metadata in the supply chain in this use case, you can take that into Russia and use that in mining, or you can take that to Middle America and use that for Coffee Beans, or you can do many things related to a coffee shop.
How great will it be in every coffee shop? You have no idea if there is a picture of the actual farmer who did the beans; And, you have no idea how every time you drink a cup of coffee from that coffee shop in your wallet, you can see that one Lovelace or ADA or whatever that might be is transferred directly to that wallet of the coffee bean producer in Middle America.
This is non-fungibility. All of that is possible today. And, we need to really start working on showing what is possible so that we can get people to start building, because it is possible to build on it today. And, we need to change that narrative a little bit. No, it is not about waiting for smart contracts. It is about lets us get business activity on the chain today. And on our side, we get a bit rough as well and say that is not possible right now, but that is so and let us move in the direction.”
However, some of them are like, guys, we need smart contracts, people don’t want to get into ADA without them in circulation.
Some of them were if Cardano has a website that lists IPO? Is there a one-stop-shop website for all upcoming releases, and how can investors contribute?
Some were chuckling over: “We don’t need to wait for smart contracts.”
Some were like: So, he is trying to convince us that crypto don’t need smart contract to be used widely? Nice. But smart contract is essential to build the ecosystem around any crypto. Look at BSC and how easy it is to launch a new token with custom tokenomics or utility.
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