Peng Zhong, CEO of Tendermint expressed, “I see a future where all major ecosystems will bridge to each other. If you imagine blockchain ecosystems are like cities, there are so many advantages to building roads b/w cities to allow users to come over.”
Peng Zhong is a true thought leader. Worth listening to DeFi by Design EP #50: What is Cosmos?
Some of the bigger chains built on Cosmos Tech like Binance Chain, Terra, and many others use the entire Cosmos stack and they are able to use Cosmos to its full potential. There are also other projects that use just the Proof of Stake Protocol, the Tendermint Consensus Protocol, and this includes projects like Polygon primarily known as Matic and also Tezos uses a variant of Tendermint variant consensus called Tender Bake.
Out technology has been hugely influential in this. So, why would people use this tech? In one word, it is good tech. It saves you lots of time and it helps you build your own blockchain framework. And, it is blockchain framework designed for public blockchain.
With this free tech, you can build anything you, you can build the multi-billion dollar network and you can build week end projects. It is all under your control.
Blockchains build on Cosmos Tech are comprised of two layers with Tendermint being the base layer and cosmos being the application layer. A familiar example, if you use computers, you probably know how to use BitTorrent and the Torrent Protocol.
Tendermint consensus Protocol is in many ways similar to something like the BitTorrent Protocol. It allows a bunch of machine around the world to reach consensus on what an accurate file or an accurate set of files or accurate files in a zip file and things like that. Whereas BitTorrent just verifies a binary file like let us say a Linux ISO. Tendermint verifies a chain of transactions on the blockchain. Essentially, so that is what Tendermint does. It replicates one database across machine machines. And, it allows those machines to also list in transactions from machines across the world and Tendermint handles that consensus portion, and makes sure that you don’t have people double spending or other attacks that are possible on the blockchain.
The most simplest application means an application that says “Hello Bro.” It has nothing else. You can also build some wildly complicated applications like a DEX or you can create an Ethereum bridge or you can create a smart contract platform just like Ethereum.
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