Someone pointed to how Peter Schiff stated that “Bitcoin won’t even come close to hitting a new all-time high in 2020” Bitcoin is now $23,100.
Despite Peter Schiff telling many negative things about Bitcoin, some of them feel that he is BTC’s number 1 Marketing Guru.
The way Peter Schiff speaks feels like “I am right and the market is wrong.”
When talking about big investors holding Bitcoin, users have to state that the top 11 entities hold over 2,309,436 Bitcoin. Estimates put a figure on between 2.5 to 3 million Bitcoin are lost forever. To become a Whole Coiner will lock you into one of the most prestigious clubs on the planet.
Some of them even state that they don’t really believe that musk owns only small fraction of bitcoin, him calling it BS is just trolling twitter audience for fun.
Peter Schiff tweeted: “As one would expect, CNBC’s biased coverage of Bitcoin continues. The network is talking about Elon Musk’s retweet of a Bitcoin meme, and tweet about using Telsa’s funds to buy Bitcoin, but ignoring his later tweet revealing his earlier tweet as a joke and calling Bitcoin BS.
Commenting on this Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted: “Someone rightly said, those who want Bitcoin (BTC) should simply ask. It is okay to not understand BTC first and now to accept it. Peter Schiff Should understand this.”
In response to Peter Schiff criticism about Bitcoin, commentators have to state that it’s like Bitcoin could theoretically work, but the chances are SO SLIM. Crypto-bugs are so giddy on the price, but never talk about the tremendous risk. It’s even more sickening when they talk trash about the metals.
Someother users stated,It’s been working for 12 years what in the world are you talking about? It was working the first time you heard about it (and had the chance to simply hedge with an open mind and yet didn’t) and it will keep working until your takes on it become more and more embarrassing.
Those who are biased towards gold have to state,bitcoin is bullish for gold for several reasons: 1. more people will hear the message to get out of the $ and many will go to gold. 2. If BTC hurts the $ it helps gold 3. At some point the fed will take the crosshairs off gold and put them on BTC. Its low hanging fruit
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