Bitcoin introduced new hope and opportunities. It inspired several investors with what can be called financial freedom. BTC also created a situation where people were beginning to believe that there is a better way of making money work for people than the existing monetary and fiscal policy.
B-thespark, Bitcoin Educator tweeted: “Once the mind comprehend the Aha moment of Bitcoin, it will never regain its original shape of ignorance about hard money.”
Increasing numbers of Bitcoin educators are making it to the financial world helping people rethink. BTC is already having a positive impact on several people from across the world.
Someone asked, I dont understand, since we are in the insolvency phase and everything is about to deflate, why hold bitcoin? Why not hoard dollars and buy bitcoin at rock bottom prices?
An expert reply read: Because central banks will do more printing so any sell off is very short lived, if at all.
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert tweeted: “I read and appreciate the idea of BTC being the cockroach that cannot be killed soon. Makes Sense.”
Joseph Anthony, Film Maker expressed, “Bitcoin is a cockroach in finance; something you can never kill.” Mate this is my quote of the day, maybe of the year, heck maybe even the quote of the decade. Time will tell how well it ages but it’s still a classic no matter what.”
Bitcoin has already triggered a lot of great insight. Several ethical and functional questions about changes that are required in the currency system are brewing to provide for some important changes in the coming years and probably for a long, long time.
Despite all the good praises and hopes on Bitcoin, a common ideology from a common sense users goes that Bitcoin cannot handle the world’s payments or be a good store of value (billions lost to power companies). Avalanche is only the third, and latest, breakthrough in the field of distributed systems, after Nakamoto, and is better than Bitcoin on both fronts.
If Bitcoin can evolve in some way to be able to work for day to day currency payment system for everyday people, awareness is going to be huge. For now, the best that BTC can do is to hold value and the best that investors can do is hold it long unless it accumulates enough value.
To become a money thing for all, Bitcoin should prove as a store of value for the 2 billion people with no internet access? Will it make is possible for them to live without fiat currency?
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