While serious discussions about how the Fed is continuing to print money, someone else pointed to how Tether (USDT) is worse than the Fed in printing. Irrespective of who is right or wrong, on a lighter tone, one of the Bitcoin Enthusiasts felt that it is okay for the Fed to print money for people to buy Bitcoin with it.
However, the point to note is that every dollar printed steals away the purchasing power of money due to inflation. Money printing is in favor of Wall Streets, bankers, and wealthy people who are well connected to the money source. Bitcoin enthusiasts feel that to opt-out of this corrupted system, it is important to buy Bitcoin.
Bitcoin tweeted: “Bitcoin’s realized market capitalization reached a new all-time high today of $106.3 billion. This is good for Bitcoin.”
Whether this is good for Bitcoin is a different story, but it is definitely good for investors. This is also proof for how the Bitcoin market is growing rapidly. It makes sense to buy some Bitcoin to store them on the ledger. And, those who have invested their discretionary income are waiting for the Bitcoin price to achieve an all-time high. When it actually hits the all-time high, it would indeed make a difference.
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted: “Bitcoin BTC has not matured yet, and there is room for a lot of improvement for early investors.”
While very few people understand the technical side of Bitcoin, Pierre Rochard seems to provide information about the technical side of bitcoin for those who will be interested.
Pierre Rochard tweeted: “A bitcoin address is a hashed and encoded public key, a concise and secure way to transact with the world’s soundest money.”
In response, to Pierre Rochard, many feel that it is a good intro to Bitcoin Technicals, further deepening technical understanding.
Pierre Rochard opined that the key to mastering Bitcoin and Programming Bitcoin is the way to deepen technical understanding. Further clarifying that Bitcoin has better fundamentals than any other monetary system.
Sound money is very important for the functioning of society. Efficient financial thinkers feel that we created the deflation and inflation rules, which is not really necessary. Bitcoin or something similar to bitcoin should bring in a revolution. We cannot any longer pull on with the rules of inflation and deflation anymore. Currencies are eventually going to break, and we need to find a way out of the current insane money system.
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