With Bitcoin Cash you can start your own business today. BCH is peer-to-peer electronic cash. With BCH you control money, create an app, gamble, games, digital wallets, children reward systems and more. You can make your own SLP tokens and distribute it in your way. Mentoring is available. Sell products and services for Bitcoin Cash.
Buy and sell Bitcoin Cash as a little cash engine for your local community. Buy Bitcoin cash low and sell Bitcoin Cash high. Profit and loss supporting merchants, remittance recipients, new users and more. Get on the ground floor of new Bitcoin Cash economy in your area and profit.
Bitcoin Cash is by far the easiest cryptocurrency to start using as cash. Clearly, why it’s being used as cash more than any other coin around the world.
It is possible to build a business with Bitcoin Cash and those who are just new can start their own Bitcoin Cash business today. There is a free 5-day introductory course to Bitcoin Cash. Users will be able to discover the business opportunities available in this course.
The transactions are crazy fast. There are a lot of volunteers who are dedicated to growing Bitcoin Cash.
There is a website called https://venezuelaworkers.com/ where it will be possible to hire the best freelancers for any job, pay in Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin. Whether it is graphic design, digital marketing, writing and translation, video and animation, it is possible to pay in cryptocurrencies where freelancers are paid, sufficiently, efficiently and borderless with cryptocurrencies.
Reportedly, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a fork of Bitcoin (BTC). Structurally the two coins are quite similar. They both use Proof of Work mining, both have a supply limit of 21 million, and both use the same encryption scheme.
The reason for the existence of BCH is its ability to scale. The smaller blocks in BTC are it’s limiting factor. The strong point about BCH is that it has significantly large blocks and therefore will be able to clear significant numbers of transactions per second than that which Bitcoin can. The argument that exists is that larger blocks will lead to more centralization. At present, the opinion among the community after several considerations is that the BTC will never be able to scale without the second layer solutions. And, now Bitcoin is now beginning to scale via the Ethereum Network.
However, most grocery stores do not accept Bitcoin to-date, but it is possible to buy a cup of coffee with BCH.
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