Micheal Saylor Expressed: We welcome all to join our Bitcoin Mining Council meeting tomorrow (Wednesday 8pm EDT). We will have a variety of speakers discussing industry trends, including guest Bitcoin leaders for the Q&A. If you have topics or questions you would like us to cover, please reply below.
Community were like: 1.When will Bitcoin mining’s use of renewable energy reach 50%+ usage. 2. What are the plans to onboard more miners to mitigate the concentration risk presently situated in China 3.Will mining Bitcoin with renewable energy become a standard to be adopted by the mining council
Open door meeting this time, that’s the way. Interactive or presentation? When are we meeting Tether’s auditors? We need to discuss the horrible effects of inflation, and how Bitcoin protects purchasing power.
Not really. I think bitcoiners need some sort of good lobbying. Think positive. What do you guys think about the usage of volcanos for green Bitcoin mining? Is it possible?
Is there a limit to mining? What are members doing to contribute to or implement things like better hash/Stratum v2 and P2Pool to improve the robustness of actual hash power operator’s coordination?
What are the thoughts from miners moving operations to the US, especially Texas with its abundance of clean energy? How soon do you believe it will be before nations hold BTC as a reserve asset, similar to gold?
How does BTC plan to characterize itself? I think it should concentrate on being a store of value- accentuate those qualities in its code and platform- and not on competing against ETH and ADA and the others.
Are there any plans to decrease the ASIC manufacturing dependency from China manufacturers moving forward?
Will this mining council suggest and possibly lobby/fund the implementation of BIPs? If yes do you limit your “mission” just to environmental impact of mining or do you want to influence other aspects of the future development of bitcoin?
Can you please discuss strategies for procurement of renewable energy for Bitcoin mining? Will there be onsite renewable plus energy storage? Will miners procure RECs? What data sources will be used to measure GHG emissions and reduction achieved by renewables?
Who decided who is on this council? Sounds centralized to me. Will Bitcoin miners issue RFPs for procurement of renewable resources to power their facilities?
How do the members of the group determine the definition of green energy? What is the total energy used by each member of the group? What is the energy mix of each members personal energy use? What is the proper amount of energy to be transformed into electricity in the world?
Will BTC move away from PoW because 63 million tons of CO2 annually, before you say it’s all green renewable energy couldn’t that energy be used for better use cases? If certain country offer cheap/green energy that could encourage majority miners move there, centralized there?
Outlook of US Bitcoin miners vs. Chinese mining dependency. When will the hash rate flip from more than 3/4 being mined in China to other countries?
When is an American manufacturer going to create a bitcoin mining device that can compete against Bitmain and other china made products? And why hasn’t it already been done?
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