Home Bitcoin News Every Currency is Hyperinflating Against Bitcoin (BTC)

Every Currency is Hyperinflating Against Bitcoin (BTC)

Every Currency is Hyperinflating Against Bitcoin (BTC)

Asset markets have been getting utterly juiced by the cash injections. Many feel that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are great ideas and that they should be allowed to be traded freely and used freely to find their appropriate role in the economy.

Also, every currency is hyperinflating against Bitcoin and has been since it’s discovery.

The good thing is anyone will be able to participate in bitcoin activity.  For those who are new, Mining is the process which happens with a computer or mining equipment to create a new token.  There is something called a white paper for bitcoin.  Every BTC investors or token investor should take tome to read through the white paper.  The maximum number of Bitcoin mintable is 21 million to avoid inflation.

In fact, whether you invest in BTC, Ethereum, Altcoin, meme coin, or NFT it is the responsibility of every investor to read through the white paper.

Every new investor has to understand what has inflation to do with cryptocurrency.  The practicality of cryptos taking over government issued fiat.  Problems with countries like Venezuela and countries like Turkey which follow suit.

According to non-governmental researchers, Turkey’s inflation rate is way higher than its announced.

“Venezuela already uses it. Government officials do. Even got clandestine mining farms. It’s just not being advertised.”

A pessimistic view is that: Bitcoin doesn’t exist on the internet it’s stored on PCs all over the world. If all hard drives around the world were simultaneously destroyed, then you’d have a problem.

Michael Saylor expressed:  Everyone has double-digit inflation if they measure it correctly and needs Bitcoin more than they realize. Also stated – regardless of whether you are a pessimist or optimist, the answer is still Bitcoin.

For clarity, in layman terms, inflation is not a bug, it’s a feature. It is designed by the powerful to take money from the powerless.

Community Reaction:  Exactly what I’ve been arguing for years. And even if challenged with other reasoning, fact is this: everything in which a person needs to live their lives comfortably; such as food, property, energy, education, medical, clothing, basic entertainment = 20-30%, if not much more.

Why Bitcoin?  With a regular salary and constant inflation, it is impossible to adjust to survival. With a constant salary with a deflationary asset, albeit with a lot of volatility, one can adjust to survival. Turkey 18.9% I swear God, we have nearly 90% 100% yearly inflation.

Others say:  Turkey’s real inflation is 55%

While Europe denies the inflation, but in fact they have inflation by at least 7% to 8% if they measure it with 2019 (pre Covid)!








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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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