Home Bitcoin News How CNBC Contributed in Driving Interest Towards Bitcoin (BTC) in 2021?

How CNBC Contributed in Driving Interest Towards Bitcoin (BTC) in 2021?

How CNBC Contributed in Driving Interest Towards Bitcoin (BTC) in 2021

Peter Schiff Shared: CNBC is “reporting” on the widespread increase in investor interest in Bitcoin during 2021, without acknowledging its own contribution to driving that interest. CNBC featured non-stop bullish coverage, constant pumping by quests, and an aggressive Bitcoin advertising campaign!

Community Response: You’re right Peter. Can’t imagine why they would want to tell their viewers about returns like this.

Gold and SPY are safe assets.  You have to compare Bitcoin to spec penny stocks for a fair comparison when you factor is associated risk.

You don’t think I can find penny stocks that have outperformed for the other 9 lol.  BTW people that bought bitcoin have an average hold life of less than 1 year. And, those who bought at 70k lost 30% of their “purchasing power” based off the dollar lol.

Why are you so personally threatened by Bitcoin? Does the thought of others Being wealthy bother you?

Playing the cryptocurrency lottery is not investing any more than playing the lottery is.

It’s an asset and property. The ones who don’t see this are the ones that will lose in the long run.

How can you call some randomly generated number stored in cyberspace an asset and property? It defies logic.

How can you call a yellow piece of metal buried in the earth an asset? Scarcity. That gives gold and Bitcoin value. It’s not just a random generated number, it’s a unique identifier that, by the laws of physics, is impossible to replicate anywhere in the universe.

Imagine if your gold fund had even positive returns, let alone Bitcoin-like returns.

Peter Schiff is “reporting” on the widespread increase in investor interest in gold during 2021, without acknowledging his own contribution to driving that interest. Schiff featured non-stop bullish coverage, constant pumping by guests, and an aggressive gold advertising campaign.

Maybe a sign that it is time to sell all that gold and join the Bitcoin family.

CNBC is well known for telling the masses to buy tops and sell bottoms. Remember “how to cash out of your 401k” during the COVID crash? you do the same. Gold has underperformed BTC since $1200.

CNBC is reporting on news. Where was the reporting when Bitcoin blasted off from 10K to 30K? They are not the catalyst for the jump.

“CNBC is “reporting” on the widespread increase in investor interest in Bitcoin during 2021, without acknowledging its own contribution to driving that interest.”   You know too well that it has always been this way for any media. It is called “propaganda”.

Actually, they called for bear market less than 1 month ago, get your facts straight man.

I watch CNBC from 7 to 6 each day – work from home -and they talk about BTC, but they don’t pump it.  Not even close.  They may pump discussion on it, but they don’t have a preponderance of super bulls, it probably runs 60/65 – 35/40 skeptics verse pumpers.

It’s all sorts of hot mess CNBC – Respectfully would love to know the “why”.  Wall Street was never meant for main street to prosper – even the Fed went all absolute on price distortion with fake money – this cannot and will not “end” well.

An aggressive Day trading Bitcoin advertising campaign. Peter, you talk to investors (that can make $ regardless of up or down market), not day traders or gamblers & the humans that believe in magic formulas & getting rich quickly. Each financial plan comes with risks & has a price.

Why so angry Peter could it be the market still has not crashed as you predicted it’s ok to be wrong in this game grow up value does not have the same meaning anymore.

It really could use some help with all the manipulations that suppress its price. Stop being so “jelly” about Bitcoin and focus on supporting your soon-to-be obsolete industry. It really needs it.

Seems to me you’re on an aggressive Bitcoin advertising campaign as well.

Every time I worry about Bitcoin Peter Schiff comes along to remind me that I am GTMI! Thanks Buddy!

They will shill gold too when the price goes up, but it never does Peter!

If you stopped tweeting and talking about Bitcoin, you’d have zero followers. You should be thankful of Bitcoin it made you relevant.

I hope investors don’t take their financial advice from CNBC, especially big money investors. Peter’s theory holds about as much water as a strainer.

Are you aware of how gold chart looks like? And what did drive it in the past? Oh yes you do, most certainly, but you will keep going your direction. History likes to repeat itself.

CNBC has again allowed their “journalistic integrity” to again be usurped by opportunists and shills of yet another epic prevailing bubble just as they were in 1999/2000 and again during the epic real estate/credit bubbles pre-2008.

Peter Schiff is “reporting” on the widespread increase in investor interest in gold during 2021, without acknowledging its own contribution to driving that interest. Peter featured non-stop bullish coverage, constant pumping by quests, and an aggressive gold advertising campaign!

By the time money, the measure of product or service value become a product itself then infinite recursion makes a total mathematical outcome.



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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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