In an ideal investment world, the more equally that money is spread out within the market, the better. When money is spread out more equally, it allows investors to assess the different advantages and disadvantages of many different cryptocurrencies, allowing them a more refined watch of the market as a whole. Bitcoin dominance is used to measure how much BTC is worth, as a percentage of all cryptocurrency values. During extended market shifts, it can also foreground whether demand for Bitcoin is staying above that of the market average. When the market’s value has begun to rise; BTC dominance has declined.
Investors have stated that we know these new alt-coins have really interesting potential for the future, but, given the recent price fluctuates across the asset class, we less interested in investing in future potential, and more interested in preserving our capital. Either way you split it, when bitcoin dominance increases, it shows investors are becoming less greedy and more fearful. Flight to safety may have been verbalized through investors taking their money out of the crypto world. When fear rules over greed, Bitcoin dominance increases. All markets are reinforced on two emotions, greed and fear. The concept of “flight safety” is the idea that when people are fearful, they go back to what they know. Investors are becoming less open-minded and less willing to speculate on smaller alt-coins. As a result, the investment and development of new crypto solutions will suffer. But there is a solution to be independent against BTC dominance.
INGOT Coin (IC) aims to integrate the traditional financial industry with the blockchain innovation by offering a complete Ecosystem that provides crypto holders the access to all financial services. The first of all-inclusive Ecosystem will be the pioneer in linking the crypto universe to the current traditional world. INGOT Coin will comprise a unique solution by integrating 6 basic components of financial ecosystem and providing a one-stop-shop for the digital asset, traditional asset and currency markets to solve challenges by creating a link between the crypto market and the traditional market. The IC Ecosystem will establish 6 different components to work hand in hand under one umbrella, proving all community members the chance to capitalize on upcoming opportunities in all markets. The Ecosystem’s components, as shown below, are the IC Wallet, IC Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC Digital Bank IC Certifier and IC ICO Accelerator.
INGOT Coin aims to create an unprecedented, a first-of-its-kind revolutionary ecosystem based on Blockchain technology that will link newly developed crypto markets with the currently existing financial markets eliminating inefficiencies, while providing a one-stop ecosystem that enables participants to perform and execute transactions according to their financial needs. Among that background, they are constantly hard at work, try to intensify the formation and reach of INGOT Coin throughout the world. INGOT is creating an interrelated global community of trust and collaboration with its highly obvious platform. INGOT is balanced to give power back to the people by making them take total control of their finances.
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