Home Blockchain Digibyte (DGB) Core wallet Submitted to Microsoft App Store and More

Digibyte (DGB) Core wallet Submitted to Microsoft App Store and More

Digibyte Core wallet

Lunar Crush reports DigiByte 1-year activity: Price $0.06909719 +284.62% Galaxy Score 65.5 out of 100 AltRank 81 out of 2368 969,954 mentions 819 contributors 0.5% social dominance 1,338,278,463 engagements 102,751 shared links.

Josiah Spackman expressed:  This is pretty exciting submitting the Digibyte Core wallet to Microsoft App Store. We’ve never done anything like this before, but starting with v7.17.3 we have a *signed* executable because I’ve gone through the weeks of validation / verification. Onwards & upwards for DGB.

The May Digibyte update discusses exchange listings, great interviews and continued development progress.  Several interesting milestones are reported:

SwapSpace has permitted swaps between different assets in their platform via Binance. Thus, options for folks looking to acquire DigiByte improves.

DigiByte is now available on SevenB, and it can be download using the Play Store on Google.

AntumID are set to release an updated version of MyDigiPassword in Q3 of 2021. The success of AntumID is obvious.

The DigiByte VISA card has been approved with Folgory.  DigiByte was mentioned on CNBC and on Wall Street Journal, which the community feel is a great exposure. And it is good that the word regarding the Digibyte blockchain is spreading.

Also, Weiss Crypto have recognized DigiByte as a top tier asset on their platform.  Further, Crypto.com has listed DigiByte on their platform. This provides additional exposure to many users to buy and sell DigiByte.

There are several companies which accept DigiByte as a payment method and this list is growing day by day. More than 600 companies are accepting Digibyte as a payment with 135 special offers that will let you to pay less using DGB. Cryptwerk has the long list of companies accepting DGB.

For clarity, Cryptwerk is online directory with companies, websites, shops, services where you can pay with bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies.  Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Monero, Bitcoin Cash, Zcash, Dogecoin, Ripple and other altcoins accepted here.  Cryptwerk is useful for people who wants to spend cryptocurrency directly, without exchanges or banking cards. Registration is free.

Users can check in to the list and it will be possible for them to see that they can spend DigiByte on fresh and special deals. There is a button which allows users to browse for all accounts for Digibyte and eventually they get discount or bonus. Anyone looking to spend DGB will be interested in discounts, promo codes and special offers from companies accepting DigiByte.

Tremendous development is continuing to happen on DigiByte.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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