Home Blockchain Jared Tate Founder of Digibyte (DGB) Expressions through Different Moments

Jared Tate Founder of Digibyte (DGB) Expressions through Different Moments

Digibyte Blockchain DGB

The most recent reaction from Jared Tate was:RIP Mr. McAfee. Your legacy will live on for generations to come in the crypto verse. Letting someone die this way w/o due process should show all of us just how anti human & corrupt of a world we live in. I don’t believe he killed himself at all. They didn’t want a US show trial.

He pointed to the December 01, 2019 tweet of John McAfee:  Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: “We’re coming for you McAfee! We’re going to kill yourself”. I got a tattoo today just in case. If I suicide myself, I didn’t. I was whackd. Check my right arm. $WHACKD available only on http://McAfeedex.com🙂

A Pro Digibyte person Jared has been consistently enthusiastic and optimistic for Digibyte.

There is a complete disconnect between the ruling political class & every day working people who are the backbone of the western world. People are actively fixing this through truly decentralized blockchain technology & a populist uprising.

Let me explain why this really matters. Just like Bitcoin has a mathematical, protocol enforced hard limit of 21 Million BTC. The Digibyte Blockchain has a hard limit of 21 Billion DGB. These limits will never change, barring cataclysmic system wide change visible to all.

When you compare this to the unlimited fiat money printing by central banks meeting in secret motivated by the corrupt incentives of misguided political pressure it becomes clear which system will retain wealth long term.

There has been & will continue to be short term volatility. But long term, it is clear which way the trend will go for truly decentralized hard capped blockchain assets. There is no other mathematical possibility. Think long term. Secure your keys & walk away for a few years.

The last Digibyte of the 21 billion hard limit will be mined in the year 2035. Currently, there are 14.3 Billion DGB that have been mined since 2014. This means there are less than 7 billion yet to be mined. There will only ever be roughly 3 DGB for every person on Earth.

Crazy to see the Digibyte Blockchain is at block 13.12 million. Bitcoin is at block 687,556. Fun fact, DGB chain is 19x longer than BTC. BTC will not hit block 13 million for roughly another 190 years.

What do you think will happen in the world by December of this year? Crypto, markets, anything goes. I predict crazy inflation by holiday season, major stock market crash by October & tyrannical fall global lockdowns. Its why I am long Bitcoin.

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Maheen Hernandez

A finance graduate, Maheen Hernandez has been drawn to cryptocurrencies ever since Bitcoin first emerged in 2009. Nearly a decade later, Maheen is actively working to spread awareness about cryptocurrencies as well as their impact on the traditional currencies. Appreciate the work? Send a tip to: 0x75395Ea9a42d2742E8d0C798068DeF3590C5Faa5

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