Ever wondered why TRON took to buying Steem?
Steem transactions are free. It is a public content platform. The blockchain database helps in the process of community building and improve social interaction by providing cryptocurrency rewards.
The concepts from social media are integrated with building communities and further integrating cryptocurrency usage. A fair accounting system is crucial to improve the participation of people in a particular community. Steem accurately and transparently rewards individuals who contribute to the blockchain network.
Steem focuses on using techniques, which have been used to grow major social media platforms to bootstrap a successful cryptocurrency.
The growth of social media can get dramatically accelerated by virtue of the synergy between cryptocurrency and social media. Thus Steem has started with a powerful advantage in the market.
When it comes to scoring individual contributions, the subjective value of every contribution should be considered. This is important to allot a fair contribution to the participant individual. The algorithms, which assess this, are created in a way that is resistant to manipulation for profit. Abuse of the scoring system will lead to the community members losing out their faith in the perceived fairness of the Steem ecosystem.
STEEM is the fundamental cryptocurrency token in the STEEM ecosystem. The community operates based on the one-STEEM and one-vote concept. Those individuals who have contributed to the platform the most can be assessed by how their contributions are scored. The higher the score, the higher the influence.
Members will be using STEEM to cast their votes. Steem functions on the idea that “Everyone’s meaningful contribution to the community should be recognized for the value it adds.”
Individuals who get recognition for their meaningful contribution to the community feel encouraged, and they continue to grow by contributing more.
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted: “STEEM reinstates on how the givers can get tired of the takers in a community. Further, the givers become tired of supporting the takers and eventually disengage from the community. True.”
The imbalance in giving and taking in a free market can be offset by keeping a proven system in place to evaluate the rewards due in contributions. Thus in a free market, everyone will be able to trade with another, and the rewards are allocated considering the profit and loss created in the transaction. Those who consume more are punished, and those who improve value are rewarded. The free market supported by STEEM supports different currencies, and it is here where the content producers get paid directly by content consumers. No wonder, TRON acquired STEEM!
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