In response to Elon Musk tweet, Tezos stated Proof of Stake blockchains like Tezos are significantly less energy-intensive than Proof of Work blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Tezos is an evolving blockchain that makes use of an efficient approach known as the liquid proof of stake. Users who have XTZ tokens will be able to participate in the network and stake or possibly hold them or bake them.
By baking blocks, Tezos users help secure the network and validate transactions and in return they earn rewards. Unlike mining, baking does not require expensive hardware or excessive energy.
To be a baker, users need a computer and a reliable internet connection and 8000 XTZ; however, users without that amount can delegate their tokens to a baker and still earn rewards. There are already more than 400 Tezos bakers and 80% of all tokens currently participate in baking. There is no risk of token loss as delegation happens without any transfer of control and the user is always in control of their tokens. And, no matter how many tokens the user has to stake, they still earn rewards and retain their proportionate share of the total supply of Tezos. This system is designed to encourage more users to participate in the Tezos network. Many users actively participate in staking and in 2020 more than 80% of all XTZ are staked.
Tezos took the Elon Musk tweet as an opportunity to educate people about XTZ. The illustration is worth watching.
There is something called the Tezos Learn Pathway, which is the fastest way to learn how to build on Tezos. Users will be able to gain knowledge with complete tutorials and also XTZ.
For the sixth time Tezos Blockchain has successfully upgraded by adopting Florence – the 6th upgrade of Tezos at block #1,466,369.
Florence doubles the maximum smart contract size on Tezos allowing for even more complex applications.
Florence reduces gas costs by optimizing calculations. The Tezos gas arithmetic is sped up by a factor of ten – increasing overall performance of a typical execution cycle of the Michelson interpreter in Florence by 35%.
With Florence, it is easier than ever for developers to write complicated systems of smart contracts on Tezos. Florence changes the applied order of inter-contract calls emitted by smart contracts to a depth first execution order which is far more intuitive to most developers.
Florence deactivates the Test Chain feature in the Economic Protocol. With this change, the Tezos amendment process becomes more streamlined and trouble-free.
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