Zug, Switzerland, May 30th: One of the few swiss-based ICOs is coming up with an auspicious Blockchain-linked ecosystem that brings Progresssive Web Applications (PWA) to users worldwide. The yappadappadoo Store for PWA will revolutionize the app market by offering install-free Apps that run lightning-fast on all networks and mobile devices – no matter if Android or iOS.
Until now, apps have been prisoners of their own separate ecosystems. Now the app world is making the long-awaited break for freedom. A new generation of applications will conquer the app market: Progressive Web Applications (PWA).
Key features of PWA:
Early adopters like Trivago, Alibaba, Twitter, Tinder, Pinterest and Forbes are already enjoying remarkable success with PWA, achieving significantly higher user-engagement, better conversion rates and longer usage times. PWA beat native apps in all disciplines.
There are only two reasons why we have not yet seen the rapid spread of PWA. Firstly, these high-performance, first-class applications are based on new technology which is just reaching ready-to-market status. Secondly, app-developers are only now catching up with the expertise necessary for producing PWA. Of course, for purely commercial reasons, it is not possible to find this type of application in the dominant app stores of Apple and Google: web apps will eat into their business!
The yappadappadoo Store is the first and currently the only app store for PWA with links to the Blockchain for payments, smart contracting, app selection and reviews. Therefore, yappadappadoo does not store any personal user data – but operates with Blockchain-IDs only. This is the only App Store, which reaches all 4.5 billion users of mobile-devices and tablets.
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