Binance forever encourages users to trade responsibly.
CZ Binance expressed: Bitcoin is so boring as most great things are. Stay grounded, do the right thing. Build. What are we doing poorly on? How should we improve?
Community response: Great things are not boring, they’re exciting. BTC is not boring at all. It is like a roller coaster, full of adrenaline. The ups and downs can make you dizzy but the overall feeling is amazing. I dare anyone to try to change my mind.
Agree with the great part, but not at all boring, you know with all the dramas Bitcoin got in June.
Bitcoin is only boring if you keep staring at your screen for every 5 seconds. Get out of your house and live. BTC will do its thing don’t worry.
BTC goes up and down, fiat never goes up, down ONLY. Fiat is a lot more boring. Boring as most necessary things are as well.
Stable, secure, slow changing. All properties the reserve asset of the world should have.
In the end everything comes down to efficiency. It doesn’t matter what you say or believe, efficiency of converting work into stuff is the core of economics and if a way is found to boost efficiency, then that method will eventually take over with the early adopter’s ascendant BTC.
Things are going to help the human race move forward because this crazy world is not doing a good job at the moment.
Edward Bernays, Father of modern propaganda implemented rules still used today: Push emotion over logic. Find a common enemy to demonize. Promise a war that will make the world safer. If you see these anywhere, run the other direction.
It’s just a little Fear Uncertainty Doubt called FUD. Because of some negative news from nations like Thailand, UK, Canada and GCI.
I actually quite like BNB and think it’s a good addition to a portfolio I personally I am just not feeling it though and prefer other projects who’re building right now as well. If BNB is based on the the success of Binance, does that make it a security. Just wondering?
It’s funny how so many still want to buy BNB or use Binance while they cancelled their applications to become legal in so many countries. I used to be a big fan of Binance because of their well-built platform but when you can’t take your money out of your Binance account then?
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