CZ Binance when taking about investment expressed a few points like, Stay calm. Do proper risk management. Diversify a bit. Only invest with money you don’t need urgently. Don’t invest with your next month’s rent. Expect some system issues. Don’t fall for scams. Be responsible to, and take responsibility, yourself. Stay Safe.
Some users were taken by CZ’s advice because all this advice is coming from the guy who’s all in on cryptos and owns no fiat.
Several users felt that what CZ expressed was a valuable advice. Many of them felt that this is an advice all crypto new comers must use as a rule book.
Not all were in agreement with CZ, some of them stated, I agree with all of this except expect some system issues. Further stated, you are not running social media, if you can’t handle the volume you need to stop signing people up.
However, optimists feel that technology keeps evolving and some hiccups happen and are taken over by an even better technology and that a trial and error experience is unavoidable in the world of cryptocurrency. Scalability issues can be solved only after facing scalability issues. There is no denying that people loose a lot when the system does not work for better. There have been many times when people have had good risk management strategies, but they lose it because of system issues.
When it comes to speculation it is risky when you do not take risk. Wearing a seatbelt is sign that we accept that there will be risks. Risks come at the unexpected moment in an unexpected format. There is no safe sail in cryptocurrency exchanges all the time. Some risks are unavoidable.
Red blooded speculators are like: Small bet is meaningless; Big bet would cause ruin. I bet all my money that I have and I don’t need. Crypto is the future!
Speculation and cryptocurrency exchanges are like don’t buy high and sell low, don’t fall in love with your coins, make your research like in terms of market caps, circulation supplies, and max supply before you buy. And the important of all it does not make sense to take advice from strangers.
One of the loyal users pointed to how he have never experienced service issues before on Binance and there was no scheduled warning, and also on how he could not manually close his position where he intended and the loyal customer myself got hurt to a severe extent.
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