Home Crypto Exchanges Huobi DM Will Be Launching Perpetual Contracts during Q1 of 2020 without Expiry Dates or Settlement

Huobi DM Will Be Launching Perpetual Contracts during Q1 of 2020 without Expiry Dates or Settlement

Huobi global exchange

Huobi Token (HT) is currently trading at $2.49.  The Huobi Global Official Announcement Channel, on November 24, 2019, announced the suspension of deposit and withdrawal of ICX. This is due to ICX maintenance.  Resumption will be further announced sooner the maintenance is completed.  The deposit and Withdrawal of XVG are also suspended due to wallet maintenance since November 21, 2019, and the resumption will be announced sooner the maintenance is over.

The Huobi All Star Market Maker 6th Anniversary promotion has been ongoing since 04:00 October 30, 2019, and will be continuing until 04:00 January 1, 2020.  The post-promotion states will be announced in the future.

Huobi “Star” Market Maker Interest-Free Loan is available for Tier 1 and Tier 2 market maker levels.  Cross Margin functionality is supported by Huobi Global App version 5.4.4 from November 15, 2019.  Users will be able to choose between “Isolated Vs. Cross Margin” in the Margin Trading Section.

7 Cross Margin (loan) Coins: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, EOS, XRP, and USDT.


Cross Margin is used to reduce the risk of liquidation position by using the full amount of funds from the available balance.  This type of margin is shared across an open position.

In Isolated Margin, the margins are individually set aside for an outstanding margin position.  There will be a fixed collateral amount.  The position will be forced to liquidation if the collateral amount is not sufficient enough to cover up for the loss.  This type of margin method has a higher level of liquidation risk.  Isolated Margins are recommended for users who are new for Margin Trading.

Not to deny that there are high risks due to huge price fluctuations.  Margin Loan Daily Interest Rate on Huobi Global is at 0.098%; the interest rate is computed on an hourly basis.

When the margin account’s risk touches 110%, the Huobi Global will trigger the liquidation process, and due notice will be sent to the contact address of the user. At this point, the cross margin and isolated margin will have only limited withdrawal capacity until the overall outstanding dues are repaid.

The richest of the Huobi Wallets currently holds about 93.2%.  The number of Twitter followers for Huobi are also rising.  During the Q1 of 2020, Huobi DM will be launching perpetual contracts.  These contracts do not have expiry or settlement.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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