Total staked value at the time of writing consists of 10,640,925,312 TRX. Using the JustSwap Mining Tab you can Stake LP tokens on JustSwap to earn rewards in TRX and more. Using JustLend Mining you can stake LP tokens on JustSwap to earn rewards in JST.
Several questions come up when it is about lending like how is the price determined, how to exchange tokens, what tokens are supported for swap?, how to create a trading pair, what is JustSwap, how to add liquidity?
Price is determined by the number of tokens in each pool. The smart contract maintains a constant function: x*y=k, in which x = token1, y = token2, k = a constant number. Each swap takes place by replacing some of the tokens with a certain number of the other token. Ask remains unchanged, balances of the tokens will be updated accordingly, which leads to changes in prices.
Both conversion between two TRC20 tokens and between TRX and TRC20 token are supported.
To create a trading pair: Select the Pool and click “Add Liquidity.” Choose two tokens you want to add liquidity to (one of them should be TRX), and then you enter the amount of funds you want to add, then click “Create Pool Pair”.
Note: The platform protocol will calculate the initial price of the trading pair, and the pool share of the fund pool (mining rewards will be distributed based on this ratio).
Creating a pool pair requires confirmation from your wallet. Please click “Accept” in the “Request Signature” pop-up window. The page will show that your transaction for creating a trading pair has been submitted.
The trading pair will then be successfully created when the upper right of the page shows “confirmed” after a few seconds.
After the token is authorized, click “Supply” button to add liquidity to your newly-created trading pair. Adding liquidity requires confirmation from your wallet. Please click “Accept” in the “Request Signature” pop-up window. The page shows that your transaction for adding liquidity has been submitted.
Pool pair is successfully added when the upper right of the page shows “confirmed” after a few seconds.
There is no need to add a Wallet. When you enter JustSwap through the APP, you will be automatically connected to your current TronLink account; those who want to switch to another account should simply return to the wallet management page in TronLink APP to switch the current account.
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