Home DeFi & NFT Why are Everyone Talking about Genshiro Boldest DeFi? Crowd Loan

Why are Everyone Talking about Genshiro Boldest DeFi? Crowd Loan

Genshiro DeFi

Genshiro Defi has increased its rewards for crowd loan contributions.   Contributions under 50 KSM will now get 2,000 GENS per KSM. Those who lock 50 KSM or more will get a 20% bonus on top of that.

Following the increment of rewards by Genshiro Defi for crowd loan contribution, about 50 KSM contributions are now getting 2,000 GENS per KSM for those who lock 50 KSM or more to eventually get a 20% bonus on top of that.

For clarity, Genshiro is Equilibrium DeFi’s Defi one-stop-shop on Kusama that can do all things that existing Defi primitives do, but with less risk and cross-chain.

Genshiro is known as the boldest Defi one-stop-shop and R&D hub. Genshiro is a Cranary network of equilibrium that shares the experimental spirit of Kusama.  There are more assets to explore for those who have more courage to explore the options. Those who are brave traders with a special set of parameters can experiment more.

Genshiro provides for a lending platform like pooled crypto lending, decentralized stablecoin, and synthetic assets.  There are cross-chain DEX like spot market, margin trading, and perpetual.

Genshiro has an advanced platform architecture.  The thought-out design makes the system very sustainable and eventually helps innovate the industry.

The cost of borrowing reflects the system solvency, thus making up a risk-based approach vs. asset utilization possible.  The bailouts vs. auctions provide liquidity, which is ensured in advance versus auctioning in the distressed markets.  The true collateral basket makes it possible to reduce volatility risk, thus improving collateral basket support.

GENS token is a governance token, which makes it possible for users that allow its holders to express their opinions about the system, state and enforce governance decisions via referendums.

Validators/Collators receive rewards in GENS token for running blockchain nodes and performing parallel (e.g., off-chain) work.

Users pay transaction fees in GENS tokens. Borrowers pay interest fees in GENS tokens-System distributes rewards in GENS tokens for liquidity that users bring.

GENS can be used as bailout and collateral liquidity in Kusama-based liquidity pools once tokens obtain value.

There are a lot of benefits for participants with GEM.  There is no risk because of the automated KSM refund at the end of the parachain lease. Up to 2,400 GENS: 1 KSM linear vesting during parachain lease period.  Bonus up to 20% for participants who bring > 50 KSM.

There is up to a 30% bonus for early participation. The earlier users lock EQ on Equilibrium, the larger the bonus one will get.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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