For more clarity about the event: SmartCon is the celebration of the quickly expanding blockchain ecosystem powered by the thriving community. The event features talks from industry leaders. There will be technical workshops with top Dapp developers.
Experts dive deep into cutting-edge smart contract research. Thus, providing insights into the future of the space from the major projects in DeFi, decentralized gaming, NFTs, and more.
SmartCon #1 will provide 3 full days of virtual keynote speeches empowered by panel discussions, live demos, developer workshops, and community networking.
The topics, which will be covered in the session, will consist of: 1. Innovation of hybrid smart contracts. 2. How advances in cross-chain communication are changing DeFi. 3. Scaling security in a multi-trillion dollar industry. 4. The path to enterprise blockchain adoption. 5. New use cases for off-chain data and computation and a lot more.
Researchers and engineers from Chainlink Labs will also provide insight into the progress of Chainlink 2.0.
The power of Chainlink lies in that they keep re-envisioning for the evolution of Chainlink. Thus, LINK is set to progress beyond what they wanted in the initial White Paper. There has been an increasingly widespread role for oracle networks.
The already existing blockchains can be improved by “Fast, reliable, and confidentiality-preserving universal connectivity and off-chain computation for smart contracts.”
The foundation of the plan is Decentralized Oracle Networks, a.k.a. DONs. For clarity, DON is a network sustained by a committee of ChainLink Nodes. These nodes support unlimited ranges of oracle functions that have been chosen for deployment by the committee.
The DON thus works like a powerful abstraction layer providing interfaces for the smart contracts, which helps connect extensive off-chain resources, which are efficient with decentralized off-chain computing resources within the DON.
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