Home Finance News Accumulate More Bitcoin (BTC) and Monero (XMR) over the Mid and Long Term by Crypto Cycles

Accumulate More Bitcoin (BTC) and Monero (XMR) over the Mid and Long Term by Crypto Cycles

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Nam Sardar, a Bitcoin, and Monero Enthusiast, recently published her thoughts about:  How to accumulate more Bitcoin and Monero over the mid and long term than you otherwise would simply by buying and holding, utilizing crypto cycles (not day trading).

She pointed to how she entered crypto in May 2020, and by June 2021, her portfolio was at a Money-on-Money return of 9.3x or 930%.  She is planning to beat these returns every year by going forward, as she gains more experience while learning from past mistakes.

She pointed to how her life goal is to exit the rat race or traditional 9 to 5 and to have freedom over her time. This meant dedicating her free time to family and things that she likes, like travel, writing, and her yoga practice.

She stated that her goal was to get there as fast as possible instead of waiting for a certain price target on her favorite coin. For instance, “when BTC reaches $100k, I will” Nope. She said her attitude was not that.  She pointed to how a million things could happen along the way.  Regulation, in her opinion, is still the most significant risk faced by the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

She stated, if you have charted out your financial goals as owning “X” number of Bitcoin (and for many of my privacy enthusiasts “X” number of Monero) in 10 years (or more) from today. You are ready to take on some calculated risk to achieve this; then, it is important to accept the world as it is. Trying to change things, people or situations is pointless, and it leads to unhappiness. You only ever have control over your own actions and directing your actions towards your goals is what brings happiness.

For better or worse, crypto markets are what they are. Accept it, avoid being that person who gets angry because BTC dominance declined, or you perceive other coins eating into your lunch. Don’t be that person who spends most of their time online bitching at other projects.

Learning to benefit from an existing situation and profiting from it is the hallmark of a successful investor.

Thinking beyond crypto markets is important, and it applies to almost everything in life. Developing acceptance is the key.

Crypto markets are imperfect; overvalued traps, rug pulls, and scams abound. It is the wild west of the financial world. But this ecosystem is creating generational wealth for many. Several people have simply doing the buy-and-hold thing.

There are more ways than one to invest and grow in crypto. Consider the fact that being a brand new asset class means that majority of the world’s investment $$ have not yet entered the ecosystem. There are tons of people waiting to get in but still figuring out how.



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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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