Cryptocurrency is becoming accessible to more and more investors. There are different types of average investors in cryptocurrency. Medium reports that some investors are really paranoid about cryptocurrency – they do invest in crypto but they have the conspiracy theory outlook in everything they do. The loner geek is the one who does everything online and by himself and there are some category of investors who are from this category. There are arrogant city traders who are deeply invested in cryptocurrency.
In a recent research which looks in to how many people hold cryptocurrencies in the UK stated, “41.6% of the active respondents were female.” This accounts for more than 2 in 5 people.
Also, “Cryptocurrency investors are also less likely to own their own home (58.4%) than those not interested in cryptocurrency (67.8%)”
Also, it has been stated that people who have some real good asset or property are less likely to look for returns from elsewhere. They simply do not feel they need to.
While a common assumption is that those who have invested in cryptocurrencies are very affluent and have some decently good disposable income levels, it can be seen from real-time surveys that this is not true. About 30% of cryptocurrency hodlers earn less than average.
So, those who invest in cryptocurrency need not and are not always affluent. So, this also thrashes out the argument that cryptocurrencies are not for the affluent. It is very clear that not all cryptocurrency owners are top earners.
During the pandemic while lot of people have lost jobs, medium reports that there have been those who have been working and earning from home and have been having some extra money for the first time ever as they were able to cut down on travel expenses, coffee, and reduced eat out bills. Their chief lunches at home have made it possible for them to be able to invest a bit in the cryptocurrency market.
Also, it has been seen that about 29.1% of the investors had a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and a majority of them account to 50.1% did not even have a university or advanced degree.
So, those who buy cryptocurrencies are not the all educated, all wealthy, or male – traditional investor criteria is getting broken and almost every category of people are looking to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Previously typical investors were male, in a higher household income bracket, and were working in tech. however, the cryptocurrency investor profile has changed radically. Whatever, surveys and research says, when you invest your discretionary money and you lose you are safe, when you invest the most needed money in crypto you mess up your bills.
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