Home ICO & IEO's Coin Offerings Fail to Raise Funds Since 2017

Coin Offerings Fail to Raise Funds Since 2017

coin offerings

For more than a year, ICOs or coin offerings face failures in raising high funds. Some of the ICOs gains 40% raise that is equal to $1 million.  A research firm studies the coin market. The study yields an unfavorable result when it comes to rising of funds. From the 890 tokens, the researchers find that there is no increase in the sales. But, there’s a major slight rise on the sale of the 743 token sales. The funds raised the amount to $1 million.

Since August of 2018, most of the ICO’s fail the process of return investment. The result: it influences the decline of the funds. But, there are other reasons why the decline is ongoing according to investors. The investors coin this as the technical reasons. A few of the technical reasons are the following:

  • Insufficient traction
  • Poor market strategy
  • Lack of expert execution
  • Product advancement difficulties

Most of the cryptocurrency users agree to these reasons due to the effect it has. Also, some of the investors see its influence on the ICOs. Therefore, they wait to see if the funds would continue to decline in the rest of the year. Also, others predict that the downfall of the fund is temporary.

But, there’s another market that has an advantage when it comes to the fund increase. The hedge funds continue to make a buzz in the bitcoin industry. As of this month, there’s a major increase in the hedge funds. There are over 146 companies that feel the success of the fund increase.  Despite its drop last January, the hedge fund is now top of the game.

More digital currency users find this as an advantage of doing exchange procedures.  It also offers them a chance to achieve their mining goals with cryptocurrency. Despite its success, experts say that there are risks in its use. But, for now, they expect that it would continue to gain success in the coming years. They also see the hedge funds would develop from 160 to 180. The year 2018 offers success to the hedge fund market.

As of today, experts and other researchers continue to determine ICOs ranking. There’s still a chance that coin offerings might increase. But, it depends on the condition of the market. There are also ways to expect that funds would rise in the future. So, digital currency users wait for more updates from the coming days and months. ICOs fall might have a sudden rise.

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dan saada

Dan hold a master of finance from the ISEG (France) , Dan is also a Fan of cryptocurrencies and mining. Send a tip to: 0x4C6D67705aF449f0C0102D4C7C693ad4A64926e9

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