Home ICO & IEO's The Future of Ideas: how USAT Inc.’s revolutionary system for IP protection, storage, and development works.

The Future of Ideas: how USAT Inc.’s revolutionary system for IP protection, storage, and development works.


There are many people in the world with great ideas for inventions, but how many of these great inventions ever get past the idea stage?

It’s harder than one might think to get an idea funded and developed. 

Aside from the struggles and risks inventors face in securing funding (often losing the rights to their creation in the process), patenting intellectual property can be a long, frustrating, and costly process- that might not even result in securing a patent. Even if the idea is successfully patented, that doesn’t actually protect it. Yes, it does give the inventor the option of legal recourse, but it also exposes the details of the idea to the public. Too often, there are cases of unscrupulous companies going through the public patent listings and picking out ideas to develop themselves, without the knowledge or permission of the creator. If and when the inventor notices this theft, even if the inventor can afford to go to court, the idea has already been developed and is in the market: the opportunity for the inventor to capitalise on their brilliant idea is gone.

These issues are why there is a strong need for a better way to protect and develop intellectual property (IP)… and this is exactly what USAT Inc. provides.

Instead of risking exposing IP to potential thieves through the public patent listings, USAT Inc. stores IP on a private blockchain-enabled storage system in an encrypted format, which can be read only by the owner of the IP. This means the information is time-stamped on the blockchain, and kept safe and secret until the inventor is ready to develop it. Storing IP on this blockchain-enabled IP Vault means the data cannot be hacked, stolen, or destroyed, which would be a risk if it were stored on a laptop or in an office. IP stored on USAT Inc.’s secure blockchain will always be safe.

“IP stored on USAT Inc.’s secure IP Vault repository will set the global standard for IP security.”
-Ivan Jasenovic, CTO for USAT Inc.

Not all IP can or even needs to be patented. If it does need to be patented, USAT Inc.’s team can help the IP holder through the process, ensuring it happens quickly and discreetly. Often though, the best choice is to be first to market: being the first to reach the masses with an idea and particular branding is more powerful than any patent.

Ideas that are beneficial to humanity and the planet (for instance, USAT Inc.’s flagship project: a new renewable energy technology called solar-wind), are eligible to be developed through USAT Inc.’s platform. 

If an IP holder wishes to develop the IP they are storing on USAT Inc.’s platform, they can apply for assessment, which is conducted in the form of a double-blind review of the technical and commercial merit of the proposal. If the idea passes this assessment, it can enter the cycle of development. USAT Inc. takes care of every step, providing funding, a business plan, marketing, manufacturing, legal advice, and commercial contacts: everything a project needs to be successful on the market. The rights and interests of the IP owner are protected, ensuring they are rewarded for their great idea without having to bear the stresses of project management and securing funding.

USAT Inc.’s platform is structured so that the funding and commercialisation of IP occurs with the IP owner having complete control over what parts of the project are seen, who sees them, and when they’re accessed.

The technologies USAT Inc. develops are all helpful to humanity, so everything produced by the platform is directly making a positive change to the lives of others.

For more information about USAT Inc. and its current projects, visit https://usat.io

USAT Inc. is an Australian organisation that utilises blockchain technology to decentralise the intellectual property process and provide patent holders with greater security. Through our platform we fund, develop, and commercialise intellectual property for the benefit of innovators, token holders, and the planet. We ensure innovators are supported and we provide token holders with strong growth opportunities.

For more information about our ICO or our ultra-affordable and clean, renewable energy project, Solar-wind technology, visit https://usat.io

Written by N. Cain.

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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