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Bitcoin (BTC) Strikes at The Root of Cantillionaire Power

Bitcoin (BTC) Strikes at The Root of Cantillionaire Power

Wendy Rogers Shared: They say in crypto land – the whales always win. I disagree. But in fiat, the central bankers and politicians always win.

Community Response:  Bitcoin strikes at the root of Cantillionaire power by removing their ability to inflate the money supply.

Imagine a world in which fiat can cross borders seamlessly through an intermediate supranational digital asset designed for speed, scalability, absolute safety and decentralization. The only proven asset is XRP. Small players will finally get a chance to participate

In the world economy. It will be a level playing field for all. The unbanked will be banked. Big players like JPM will not have any advantage over a local bank in Sri Lanka because pre-funding for liquidity provision will be eliminated. XRP is already bringing that the globe.

Not always as the bankers have this man holding the country back

Supporting any ‘crypto’ other than BTC is anti-American, and will be seen as such. These other supposed cryptocurrencies are ALL centralized projects designed to enrich their founders. Supporting them undermines American ideology.

Who really created Bitcoin? Who controls the most bitcoin? Do you honestly think the big boys would be playing with bitcoin if they didn’t know the answer? How much energy does it take to mine? Proof of work doesn’t work.

Bitcoin fixes this. Bitcoin takes away the money printer.  So, everyone has to play by the same rules, and nobody has exclusive access to the fiat money printer. Fiat currency steals from the poor (inflation) and gives to the rich (artificial financial asset appreciation).

The biggest problem with bitcoin currencies:  It is a casino online, with instabilities of a make-believe value. Stability and monetary policy which is reflecting true value for crypto does not exist. It is impossible to comprehend any currency exchange fluctuating in value

Gary Gensler are helping the white shoes instead of the retail “little people” who want to see innovation/level playing field? Unleash XRP and see what happens to Bitcoin and ETH. Look at the corruption and collusion timeline.

REALLY getting the vibe that you’re trying to pump crypto. Probably now that you’re invested and bought on a dip. Members of Congress SHOULDN’T be able to trade stocks or crypto while in office.

That’s why BTC is no good. Whales control it and miners centralize it. Such a low number is easy for whales to manipulate.

Ain’t that the truth! In bitcoin land, those willing to work hard, and those with patience win. A system that incentivizes hard work, saving for the future, and honesty – what a crazy concept.

The whales manipulate everything now in the crypto markets, because we are not seeing actual use happening except for a few coins. XRP has real use case and adoption now. Other cryptos like XRP solve real world problems. BTC is a store of value and that’s about it.

Bitcoin doesn’t do much but store value. Its price is determined by large whales buying and selling. The technology is old. Look at other coins like XDC and XLM. These projects have fundamentals and solve real problems. These are excellent projects! Also, QNT.

The movement of cash between fiat banks is horrible. It Takes three days for the paper to dry. In Crypto it’s instantaneous. This is progress.



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James T, a passionate crypto journalist from South Africa, explores Litecoin, Dash, & Bitcoin intricacies. Loves sharing insights. Enjoy his work? Donate to support! Dash: XrD3ZdZAebm988BfHr1vqZZu6amSGuKR5F

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