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Will the UK be the World Center for Crypto While being Anti-Crypto So far?

Will the UK be the world Center for Crypto While being anti-Crypto So far

Someone asked:  Will the UK be the world Center for Crypto?

Community Reaction:  Did anyone else get this statement and it is possible at all? Futures being removed from Binance for UK users? And, someone is talking about UK being the World Center for Crypto.

UK keeps cutting crypto down for regular folks.

While UK banks keep banning crypto purchases and banning anything involving leverage trading for regular people, then eventually people will find a way to use it and definitely UK will become world center for crypto.

Exactly. UK is about as anti crypto as anywhere in Europe, banks all banning deposits, crypto futures products banned. Crypto advertising is proving challenging, regulator keeps on warning of losses to anyone who buys crypto. How anyone can interpret that favorably is beyond me?

I have every confidence that our glorious leader, Boris, will be a steady hand on the tiller during the choppy waters of paradigm change. Oh wait!

To be honest, I doubt that. since most UK banks (Santander, Natwest) are genuinely anti-crypto. Only Revolut seems So, So. For example, Binance are willing to re-enter UK market, but for that they are forced to strip down their products.

Not at all! UK is very below in the queue; however, leading countries are South Korea, India, Canada, Indonesia and Dubai.

I think you’re wrong. It will always be Switzerland.

I don’t think you really believe that. A few months ago, you were moving to Portugal, now one politician says something positive and the country is good for crypto again? You realize you’re in Britain, right?

Our current government is useless, I still don’t want to be in the UK, personal reasons that I’m still here, but come September next year.  Bye, Bye UK.  Unless, they are pro-crypto by then.


Not a chance – I do want to see them advance and open up the space.  I think Scotland has lots of renewables and a digital currency could help with independence, but the US already has monopoly on hash rate and talent. Their politicians will argue over BTC in the next elections.


Many would dispute this claim, Dubai seems to be a more crypto friendly place. With powerpoolcvp “modularity” integration possibilities are endless. Any user or protocol can use Vaults for their own needs and create products on top of it.


That is so misleading. One plea in UK Parliament does not mean what you are saying.


Things are picking up big time.  I’ve got friends who had no interest and were sick of me banging on about crypto now messaging me asking how to get in Bullish.

Why would the LEAST tax friendly place in the world be the center for crypto?


Good for them if they are, but IMO I highly doubt it. They are well behind the curve and a few words from Hancock isn’t going to change that.


Will never happen – I’m normally a positive chap, but the U.K. will always follow whatever US does.


You’re joking mate, there’s more chance of Bitcoin returning to $1 than that ever happening


The UK stifles innovation in almost every way they can. I’m not so sure about that bro.


The countries that have the largest Bitcoin mining companies are going to be the World Center of crypto. Countries like USA, Kazakhstan, Russia is already heavy into Bitcoin mining. While El Salvador and Ukraine have already made laws that favors crypto. UK should do more.


When they’ve priced out miners through electric costs and everything is taxed? Pull the other one.


Sure couple of months ago you said UK banks block accounts for crypto, and the things seemed bad for the UK and crypto.


I’m has done much for crypto.  So, I don’t think you are right there, there are countries with large Bitcoin mining facilities those countries would be the world center for crypto including they have to make use of other coin as well.

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Steven Anderson

Steven is an explorer by heart – both in the physical and the digital realm. A traveler, Steven continues to visit new places throughout the year in the physical world, while in the digital realm has been instrumental in a number of Kickstarter projects. Technology attracts Steven and through his business acumen has gained financial profits as well as fame in his business niche. Send a tip to: 0x200294f120Cd883DE8f565a5D0C9a1EE4FB1b4E9

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